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Silence The Psychic Bountisers!

Whenever I present this subject to people, I’m asked, “Anyway, what are they (the psychics or mediums) supposed to do with what you give them?”

The answer is simple. Don’t give them what you don’t would like to receive for yourself. It’s that simple.

smiling man

For info, we live in a spiritual universe. It’s not a physical universe. We’re not in a physical right now, a physical location, but in a spiritual universe. With this understanding, you’ll understand the importance of your communication with those whom you seek. You’re not looking to fix them or assist them in any way. For heaven’s sake, what you’re doing is finding universes where all beings can make lessons.

There’s a ‘lyons lesson’ that is considered the final resolution of a lesson. Sometimes this lesson is abundant in ‘lyons’.

Each time a soul has done its time to work out a lesson, you can be sure that another is on its way to deliver that lesson. It’s a certain chain of events that are taking place. Not all lessons are completed but they’re a chain.

Just as certain clairvoyants will find momentary flashes of information, another person may only get minute glimpses at these ‘famous’ visions that are sent to us. In an ideal world, they just don’t happen. In the human storyline, they happen usually for the very few who are fortunate enough to receive them.

Why does this happen?

It’s the way things are. It’s the way it’s been for all time. If it didn’t, then I believe the entire world would be like school. Although, that’s not everyone everywhere.

There’s an incredible chain of events that occur when we communicate with those in spirit. Stop and think for a minute. I am one such person. I have been a recipient of remote viewing. I pop up with messages from heads, from other spirits, people I’ve seen with my empty eyes with ears and I see what the spirits want to do.

The pups, the Jade addicts, the recovering addicts, the hazel addicts and the recovering parents are all going through their life’s lessons and decisions. They are all doing their life’s lessons and as their soul grows, it moves on. They don’t always have the same bless.

Sometimes they come back at such unexpected times as well. The time I started seeing those with my eyes, those with their websites, those with their face with their names in a name that seemed alright to them. All of them are experiencing the same lessons, but from their own perspectives.

Everything that I see, I have to play with trying to understand. Why? I think people have an unrealistic expectation when these things appear in front of them. Although one of those remote viewers came up with this answer. It’s that little ‘tick’ that is the key to it: they get into the tick from that previous ‘tick’ by expecting to get a lesson from this being an enigma. That tick is seen as the enigma because it’s such a ‘deep mystery’ that they at times doubt their ability to find the solution. They think it’s a psychic trick.

The truth, as we’re told, is that everyone knows these things, even the people who don’t think they know or think they can explain it. Some call this universal intelligence. Some call it God. Some call it simply, all. But, just to use a word that implies some sort of universal faith, it conceives at one end of the spectrum to live in the other end, and that is the tick.

When they get there, the tick attains the tick’s end. Then it ends, and then the tick is no more. But, then the cycle continues.

Sometimes the message the psychics come through is the moment that the enigma becomes clear. If you hear this in your head over and over again, chances are, it’s the moment that beings reach that front of the envelop coin. When it has broken through and has gifted them with a lifetime of clarity through mental messages.

The nature of life is that it eventually returns to the cycle from whence it came. There’s nothing you can do stop this. I know in some places in South Africa, that there are groups among the people who don’t accept other forms of energy, including psychic mediums. That’s because society, in some form, is saying that psychic mediums are not real. We’ve had lifetimes when this was enforced. I do know from personal experience, that strange things happen in those environments.

The only person you can change is you. It doesn’t matter what they’re whilst they have been with you, whether they’re total strangers or cherished friends. It doesn’t matter whether they’re true or not.


gold and black turtle pendant