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Overcoming Adversity

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“If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again. Failures are temporary experiences which cannot be consumption, but results.”

When faced with adversity, you may feel stressed, disappointed, threatened, depressed or afraid. Problems are everywhere and we can feel changed as we go through the day. Sometimes you imagine that nothing goes your way, and look for someone to blame. When it arrives your way, you may be annoyed at yourself for thinking negatively. This is not the road you wish to travel.

What is Important?

Sometimes the best way to overcome adversity is to focus on the bigger picture. Somehow we get caught up in the ” cartoons” of self improvement, books and seminars. While they can be helpful; at the heart of it, we need to observe a calmness which will help us to respond rather than react to our world. We need to recover from fear, and nurture a way of thinking that will enable us to improve.

With practice and patience we will find that our way of handling changeable circumstances gets easier. We will find that imagination is the beginning college of challenge. It may be helpful to ask yourself “what do I need to know or do” to make a decision when necessary. Take responsibility for your action. Those actions often help to move forward with your day, and not defeated. Life feels more relaxing with a plan of actions and results than jumping around in your thoughts and emotions.

We need to understand that as much as we may want anything to be different, there is nothing we can control. So spending time worrying is a waste of time. Simply reassess your actions and participate in the natural course of the day. Pause now and right now in order to step forward.

For some of us adversity often happens at very unphysical times, when we feel least prepared to deal with it. We all have individual problems that seem to be monumental in nature. This universe is full of energy, both negative and positive. If we begin to fight our problems, we can encounter stress and distress. What we need to remember is that there is always a solution. We can change our minds any time we want to do so!

Take yourself in hand. Walk through possible adversities and find solutions. We need to take responsibility for our actions by finding ways to find solutions for our problems, and not blame others. However, sometimes in trying to find solutions, we have to shift our attention away from our difficulties. It is fine to sit and contemplate and then act.

The Emotional Stages of the Temper Trait

To begin with, we need to understand that there are in fact emotional stages of the temperament trait. This will help us to recognize when we need to go to work on something in what seems like a snap. Or when we need to take a more patient approach to change.

So some individuals handle stress well by converting their emotions into positive actions. They express, show affection, and convey their feelings at all times. The problem you often see – and the planning that needs to occur in order to solve problems is when they do not find an immediate solution! It is normally during these times of adversity we need to find the calmness and the vision of working through the issues and finding a new path.

We also need to be careful and realize how deep the emotions and feelings of the issues may go. Those feelings can trigger actions that only you first experience. Therefore it is important to seek out the immediate solutions that are in front of your nose. In order to let anger go, you need to feel factual, and mentally remove the anger. If we are still harboring this emotion we may lose the necessary drive to move forward.

Solutions for Avoidance

Finally, to keep your sense of calm and rational approach – avoid not addressing the problem in an emotional or an intellectual way. If you can avoid trying to solve the problem that is now in front of you, and focus on the present.

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