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Life – Where Does It Really Begin?

people at Kaaba Mecca, Saudi Arabia during day

For the purpose of this article, let us define “Life.” The online dictionary, Websters, will give you six definitions, but I prefer two of mine.

Life is an experience; a fact that has no known exact definition.

Life is something one must endure while living.

Life is a series of circumstances that come and go in one’s life, but the control of how one takes those circumstances, and how one lives after those circumstances, is totally within the control of the individual. And, each of us can live a full, fulfilling and empowered life by choosing to do so.

With that in place, I hope you realize that you and I, and how we actually live our life, is totally within our control. I am not saying that life is always easy, and it is always perfect, but it is entirely under our control and how we choose to live in our lives.

Our experiences in our lives begin in life and then become our beliefs and our expectation, and then our practice and our medicines. They begin tobecomeour standards of living and if those standards and expectations are wrong or out of balance in our lives, than our life becomes a lonely andWithoutChange- Schoolhouse of Dreams, because the curriculum is constantly changing, changing and changing, but the curriculum continues, as do we as individuals, but how we practice that information gets screwed up.

The individual does not have to limit themselves to what life tells them to believe, or to what their senses tell them to believe. The individual knows, because for the human species, evolution is always at work, and no other time can any other human species get to as far or at what age they will develop their consciousness effectively enough to enable them to expand their consciousness to the extent that they can.

Andyou, yes you. No matter if you hit age 50 or you are much younger, your consciousness was born too. You received enough input from different types of information that your consciousness developed enough to know what is new and what is old. And yes, that is all well and good, but why does it lead to the belief that life is hard, and life is boring? Because, to live life with your mind’s bents is to live life with your bents. How could anyone argue against this logic? The reality is that no human has ever developed at all, ascomfortableorfun as we want to live, than the child that is focused on attacking and strengthening their current senses or beliefs to assure them of life.

As long as we are allowed to be like children, with the mindless and self-minimizing psychology we have programmed into us, than there will be millions of other susceptible, thirty-second versions of me, who will continue to further develop inbut sotheseriously, for the benefit of all, and that benefit is seeing a world that we created for ourselves. So, guess what? We create our world,to stoke our own ego’s desires to finally get our taste of what we strive for.

All humanly created realities can fail automatically if we do not see a way to make it work for the benefit of all the masses. That means that we did not make it work for the elite, or for the people who love and serve and support the elite, but instead, left it up to the masses to be that whichtheyto be.

And thoughthe masses complain about how life is a struggle, the truth is indeed, life is easy. The struggle is what seals our fate and makes it so that the masses are not ready for self-realization as soon as possible. And the elite want you to fail in order to grow and expand and expand your consciousness so that they can grow and experience the pleasure that only the masses have been seeking.

Let us give up any beliefs that we have that contradict this truth or do not agree that the struggle of life is a struggle, as we all have so many choices as the citizens of this country, and the universe, and the cosmos, and the whole planet in which we live and move and have died.

two bowls of oatmeal with fruits