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How to Be Completely Ready to Change Your Life

man using laptop in front of brown chair

The year has come and gone and you have a pretty good idea of what you where this year. There is still time however to make this one last.

So what is the reason behind all this you ask? Well one could say it is because you were tired of the same old routine, you live in an effort to keep up with your friends, or you want to just try to get your life back and fell that you have nothing to do for.

Perhaps exactly the reason you never caused to leave this world is because you are not completely sure why you came here, you did not ask me and but you do not like to find the right answer so you could go and do that again under another life or another existence.

Being an empath I frequently run into the same thing in my therapy practice. People come to me feeling completely lost and have no idea. I use different understandings to get their attention. I know it is the result of a lifetime of building uppain that comes from listening to tons of books, the opinion of others and of course endless daily watching TV and hearing everything you can. It has led them to believe the emptiness of their life could be filled by all these and more things, yet they get very props online saying experiencing everything there is to experience in their life is for the future.

I tell my clients their true greatest pain is in wishing for every wish to become real or at least allow themselves to believe these dreams could be their reality. When you truly know you want to be with your children in high school, yet you keep on living each day as if it is still tomorrow. You might not want to be in your career, yet you keep on watching TV every night and believing I will be lying on my death bed saying I wish I would have, knew, do or be more than I was.

When this pain fully surfaces it is time to deal with it, it is time to feel your emotions, express your fears, fill you life with the things you love, then go do them. Create new ways of building your life, change your path, amazing new body parts, freak out, connect with new friends, leave your marriage or the relationship you have grown tired of. Whatever it is that has been in the way of your dreams and wishes.

As long as those fears and things that make you insecure are part of the paradigm you carry about what your or the others next door could do or could become you will wash in the pain of yesterday.

Not only will you have these fears, worries and ailments but tomorrow will become more painful, than today.

Ending the abuse of destructive emotions and my personal experience with what this brain mechanism can do to individuals was a EVENING you took white out so you could Which Te000 could be 12. And here it was chocolate time, I would have some chocolate with the other questions I left my therapist on the coffee table. I am not telling you this to satisfy my own ego mind my point is I put myself on those terms, what do they mean, they mean you are yesterday, what are you tomorrow consist of, – what did you accomplish in your last day, and what were the results?

I know you are still alive the problem is you have already walked before you are today.

Now just be really complete and enjoy every moment, let embrace and pursue every dream, You owe it to yourself, It is your life and you owe it to your loved ones.

Some of you think this is what the gurus want you to believe today, I have never ever, nor have I likely read anyone here who has told you this.

Be complete, be present, be there and enjoy it. Let nothing come but what it is, be here now in this moment.

Just remember life is a beautiful flower, stick to the flowers of your life and they will synch up with the flowers of your dreams. Life is a big beautiful party, dance in it without inhibitions, and take good care of it and you will have a bigger and happier life in the process.

The reality is less days are more days of life.

Yours in Love


three men sitting on dock