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Success Starts With a State of Mind

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In a recent Success Circle I held, a member joked about how hard it was getting for her to get Clear Choices won’t affect her choices. She shared with everyone the long list of things that were and were not blocking her success. She shared that she was struggling with getting “clear” and at the end of it, she asked the group whether she should move onto something else? They all said no way.

Now I understand that I wasn’t quite in the “Get Clear” of the information that came through about the details of her business. I started with the knowing of what I thought was going on. I was clear, then I was distracted and then my mind was clear again. The first details I knew were, but it was all based on my beliefs and my perception.

What I am going to share with you today however is how clear the choices had been and how they still continue to drive my performance and my results. When I was in our first meeting with her I told her how impressed I was that she had this business. We shared her dreams with me and the confidence and exuberance with which she shared her vision. They needed a little more than that to turn it into her reality.

The little details that were and are the building blocks to her success became an entire project in itself. She shared with us that she had huge expectations for making this her business and that she was going to do what it took to make it happen. She wants it now, she knows how to do it and she is crystal clear that it will become so.

She was then asked to re- bullets from what is on her business card. As I was pointing them out she literally said, “I have not looked at my business card in the last three years!” Wow. She surprised me. She said this is what made her wonder what to do next and she told me she really did not know. I could tell she was very invested in all this.

The funny thing about these kinds of things is that I have learnt a lot from them in working with people from all walks of life. It had caused me to look at some of the details that may or may not be there in the big picture of what it is that a person is asking of me. I had been doing and I was always doing but never giving it the time and consideration that it deserves. Let me focus this month on the bad things too, there is always a lesson that is to be learned. I am going to develop a focus on giving my clients quality and service so that there is a learning curve for them and for me.

I am going to share with you how you can learn to become clear and get past any barriers that you may notice to your success. Remember how I used the building blocks – the details of the building blocks we were talking about – to relate to the principles of the building to enlightenment and clarity? Well as the building blocks are caught up in the details of how those separate pieces fit together, I know there is more to the picture.

The foundation of success and fulfillment comes into play when we create a vision and know what we want for ourselves. Clarity and clarity of vision, will lead to the understanding of who we are and what it is that we do. Taking the time to get clear will lead to an understanding of what it is that we do and why we do it. It will let us know where we are going and you will fall in love with your own dream and purpose as nothing else will do. It is extremely powerful and you will know that it belongs to your ritual of your own heart.

Your motivation to succeed will be also, as I have mentioned, based on what goes mainstream for you. Think about the next step to your health, your fitness, your diet, your spirituality, who you associate with, the kinds of conversations you will have and what you will be doing. Understand your environment and how it will affect the message you have for yourself. The internal environment has a direct impact on the actions you take and it has a profound influence.

The way you relate to your environment really affects your mind and body and what you achieve in those areas. It can help you if you find, as I did, that your goals or intentions are in line with a group that is already well established. Your heart does not lie!

Let’s get clear. Let us come to the core of our goals and objectives and create a vision. Once clear behind the blueprint of the building blocks, we are able to start building with our objectives and our outcomes.

Maybe you write out a vision. As we do this so many times in our coaching, with our clients, on our own, we become clear and it becomes easy and clear as a sheet of preference.

three women taking self portrait