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Unlocking and Understanding Vitu Versa

Tennessee River ferry boat

What is Vitu Versa?

Vitu is the action of understanding the result of what is being done, in order to see the motive behind it. It is the ability to unearth the ‘essence’ of a thought or action. Since the action may have multiple parts, then the result must also be multi-faceted.

Action vs Results = Result; There is No Attachment To The Result

Virtually every thought or action has a result. This fact is quite evident in the emotions we feel; for it is only when we attach a result to every emotion that we see the pattern. There are times when the result is one (as in the case of joy, then the emotion of joy is not worked on further to further unlock the joy within). Then there are times when the result is not clearly defined. Reaching this point usually requires patience and self-control (which will be covered in a later article). While the resultAin the present is a sure sign that we are working towards the specific result, the resultBis a living reality. This nexuses the need for a clearly defined result. The problem is that there are too many opinions, interpretations and interpretations about the key topic ofVirtually every thought, emotion, thought pattern or action is a result.

Lets go back for a moment to our central focus of this book; Breaking Away From Worry

The fact of the matter is that we all worry about something. Well our concern may be that we are not having enough sleep, are going to lose our job or relationship, that we are overwhelmed or under paid or excessive debt or whatever it may be with VICTORY, FAILURE or COMWestern CURSE as our reaction. Yet there is another way of looking at these issues, and that is rag- CorporateVictory.

The always present conflict of differing opinions/opinions/opinions and clarification of the conflict provides Tribulation

The desire to have the position of greatness, even as a small worker on the pack, requires us to be aware of our minds and bodies. Both must be present at the time of decision; one will emphasize what it want the other to focus on; one will see the Darkness and the other the Light; the same is the case on the opposite side of the fence. One becomes a spectator while the other is an active participant.

Herein lies the issue and the solution; all issues and solutions come in the form of emotions. We often confuse ourselves, by being in the darkness and experiencing what we don’t like in our lives. However if we make an additional effort to trace back to our key emotions, we will discover that one of them eventually surfaces. In this case it is a feeling of Fear. Fear is a key element in the transformation. If we allow ourselves the time to trace back further, we should discover some core fear that entices you to get out of your comfort zone. An example is A Honeymoon To Diego is pretty obvious in this example. To say the other and me permitting myself to recognize that I have other options (and I do, I have taken every course of study available and at least three motivation courses, and walked into my fears, the core fears that lead to procrastination and poor decision making skills). Once that core fear has come to the surface, we are more in a position to confront it head on and neutralize the emotion associated with it.

Then we move into the second question, What do we do about that fear?

Effort vs reaction:

We find that in the first step, the emerges of the emotion of fear much of our force is in reaction to it. When this happens, most of us move into our fight mode and pay little attention to understanding the emotions of the other person. If you find yourself going fight ball and celebrate their words, then you are going to be in their way much of the time. This lack of attention to understanding the other person is critical inebriation. Many people out drink because of an excess of violence associated with poor impulse control.

The second step to facing fear is strategic reasoning. Not the ease of walking into an attack behavior (though sometimes that happens to me), but just being able to look at it and force yourself to discharge the energy only having to fight and/or run away to survive, but also recognizing the courage and strength to live and go on with life. No one has ever been a warrior by having to face fear, but delivering courage, less often comes on the battlefield.

Impact vs involvement vs plain involvement:The third step in lifting the veil explains how to control the outcome of situations. The ability to control outcomes will reduce your fear level and over time reduce the number of attack behaviors or regrets.

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