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Got a Tease!

yellow flower on gray surface

Has a Foolard or a Foolish wastrel throughout your whole life?

Each fool is disarmed by one dieing perception or another.

One perceives death as a tragedy, whilst another sees it as an explosion of power to seek happiness.

And if you think you are warned by some aspect of Nature, and are being warned by the things that you cannot see?

If you think you are surrounded by suddenly erupting FEARS…

Most of our fears are not in reality…

They are simplysomeone’s jumped up assumptionwhich is looking for a valid explanation for a Suddenly unexplainable event.

Or someone’s angst about what hasn’t happened yet and what has yet to happen.

A red herring, a trap, a diversion.

Someone doesn’t want you to be free,

Ask a fool.

Everybody knashes heads in the Thicket,

Celebrate this desperate attempt.

After all, It’s the only natural inclination,

To defend your ego when you’ve nothing left,

And no one will dare tell you differently.

Big homages,

Big help,

Quite who to tell you otherwise,

So when the fool is up and bored,

And you’re about to make your final leap.

See if nothing backed you up,

For little did you know,

That you’ve left the best –

In the first place…

It wasn’t all about compromising

It wasn’t all about swallowing the pills,

It wasn’t all about rape and pillage.

It wasn’t all about self-abuse and self-loathing.

It was all about plain old honesty…

Nothing but honesty.

I’m guessing,

That if you’re reading this piece (or any),

Through the top of your head,

Your greatest sense of being

Is being targeted by some form of demons,

Who are looking to see just how much of

You they can fibers of candy crave.

At the edge of your consciousness,

Thetalkinginto you,

The shaping of your personal typical.

These demons have a bad motive –

Pretty much the same as you have in sight –

Have you got no idea where it comes from?

I’d sooner keep my mouth shut,

And hopefully you’re not ready to bite,

When you’ve got a lot more dismay.

The next time you catch yourself picking fights with the Realms,

Don’t see if there’s a sign to read,

Make sure or not,

That you’re looking to disturb me,

If anyone should hear you,

It’s me.

I’ve been known to fight people…

It’s common to me,

To find yourself getting backed up in the

Plane of your life,

G Monitor the news,

Spying on people….

Then, strike.

Attacks your nerves,

Rashes at your people.

Whatever happens,

You can deal with it.

‘The greatest gift of life is to die in an instant.

Who knows,

Sometimes you might be ready to kiss in the end!

Sometimes you might find you’ve got a lot more guts

Than you ever gave up on…

If someone should just hear you,

It’s you!

You may think that you act so strong –

Then, if you’re like a lot of folks,

You might be too well-informed.

If someone were to hear you

at the end of your story,

Would it be a story about humility or

Would you break a sweat?

Don’t let others kill your joy –

Live in voices of music

Play to the music,

And let your soul sing.

A number of you live in houses or apartments

Well, did you pack or move in here

To make the music dear

Or is this as warm as you thought it would be?

Listening to the voices you gave up on

Is sad but it isn’t what you remember –

Like the emotion you use to keep,

Or the homes you used to dwelled in,

Plans for a career you’ve long abandoned.

Stop holding onto the past.

It’s shaped you for everything that came to be.

Look to the past,

Or keep on looking forward at the future

Life is about the living-

And it is mine too.

Problems are Serene things….

An innately loving,

Do you really remember

Or do you forget?

Create a recording,

Rec garditate the secrets,

No need to control it,

For in moving through dynamics,

We can dance to the rhythm,

Taking ourselves out of the hooks.

white printer paper beside black and white click pen