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The Making of a Habit and Personal Modification

green grass field under blue sky during daytime

The thing about habits is that they are nice. The kind of habits that you form in habits are often much more beautiful than the ones you start out forming. These habits are what allow you to compel other people to get along with you, lend a hand to you and help you reach goal after goal. If you have clearly defined goals that you would want to work toward, I guarantee that a habit that assists you in making your goals a reality has been positively modelled at the beginning. The moment you leverage the work of others with your own efforts, you gain the advantage that comes with a clear cut and properly formed goal. Rather than reinventing the wheel and reinventing the definition of a habit, you gather people from all over the globe with the same goals. You build a trust with yourself and those whose business you touch to help you achieve your goals.

However, a single great habit usually represent only the tip of the iceberg. It’s highly unlikely that a single great habit will mean anything much in your life unless you can harness the power of several. The beauty of habits is that they are renewable each time that they are invested in. What is a habit? A habit is a pattern, a sequence of actions that is easily repeatable.

In the world of habit building, a habit is a sequence of actions that has become so routine that other people modify them according to who they are or how they perceive things. A habit is just a sequence of actions that you can easily learn if you pay enough time and effort. It is always possible.

The great news is that the world of habit building is a amazingly competitive world. Everyone and everything are trying to get in the game with someone else; everyone and everything secretly desperate to succeed.

That’s why the rigidity of habits is so important. If each person gets his or her way with the help of just one well defined habit in any aspect of life, those same habits will soon become road wo Upper Limits.

That makes it a LOT better to know a few well defined habits than to try to change a very big, very complex one. For some people, a well defined habit is just a pattern that they can work on but for those who want a very smooth change that creates calm in the process of making life changes, they will improve greatly with a list of well defined habits.

Some of the well thought out habits that you could improve by building a list of habits to change:

1. Define what happiness means to you2. Decide to achieve happiness3. Create a very clear and defined list of habits that will help you change your life4. Educate yourself on various aspects of happiness and find a support system that doesn’t always agree with you

The more powerful the list of habits that you build, the more quickly they can become manifested. It’s a nice way to start, at least until theudes leaving you throw the crutch completely out the window so that you can move pro-actively forward. A tool that you can use to constantly improve your skills of intuition and observation that will enable you to make the right choices:

1. Find a situation that bothers you in a particular setting, no matter what it is

2. Identify the common themes, sights, objects and feedback in that environment

3. Notice the effect that common themes, tones, tastes, scents and feelings have on your perception of that environment and your relationship to it.

4. Keep an eye out for other things that might be similar

5. Identify what people are doing in the environment that creates the common themes, tones, tastes, scents and feelings that you are noticing there as well

6. Notice and try to change the common theme with your own change of perception. What you do has more effect of the moment than a series of never ending sets of actions.

There is an old proverb that says, “If you start to change you are in for a fight”! A habit is a conditioned action that people take. It is a classic case of the dog that whelms quietly bringing its master to a standstill. Habits are not just patterns of repetitive actions that are good in defining and leading your daily road to success. It also creates your identity that defines who YOU are in relation to other people and the world around you.

The great thing about habits is that we can make other powerful habits to support us in our efforts to build our lives and our belief systems. This is a great time to make ‘I Am’ statements.

1. Make ‘I Am’ statements as mental rehearsal

2. Make ‘I Am’ statements to yourself throughout the day and especially when lonely.

3. Make a list of things you like about yourself and whenever you can them.


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