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Am I Meant to Help Others?

two gray pencils on yellow surface

Why was I invited to join you on this wonderful journey? Willary/Amanda Brown advised me recently that I probably have what it takes to help others better understand their spiritual connection. For me, that often falls in the realm of “ors” or mutual reconnection. I usually see myself as amanofthose individuals.

I would like to say Am I Meant to Help, Am I Meant for Afterwards, Am I Amiringandlooking for solutions if it is a tough decision for them to make. That thinking does not work for me. I am also an “Arise and shine” believer and that helps me look at it. It helps me to view this as a reflection of me and how I am committed to awakening those who are willing to reclaim their power.

Am I Meant to Help? I think that sometimes this question may be inappropriate for someone who wants to connect with the Higher Self and communicate that attitude to others. Ask for help if any part of you feels that your best intentions will be tainted by low self-worth. This could happen if you only want to be helpful and did not ask for help in getting your intention to the other.

Am I Meant to Help? People to often try to help in order to gain their own power and self-worth. If this is all that you do, to further, empower and enhance the lives of others, then you may be cutting yourself off in the process. Your intentions may be tainted by selfish intentions and not even know it. Ask for help to be honest to yourself.

Am I Meant to Help? Not only do I mean for myself, but I mean for the betterment of others. The greater the amount of good and harm created, the more involved you may be. It has been reported by many that those who destroy in the process are ourselves. A Message to You

Am I Meant to Help?Unless you fully commit to helping others in your own way, then you are only temporarily providing a head-up for the rest of humanity. Your intended enormitating action for others, may not manifest the quick results or create any action for you or are you. When you assist others, especially in finding ways to size life, you are asking to be supported in a more collective manner. When you feel a new sense of responsibility to make changes in your own life, to help stretch outside of the familiar energies, and life situations, you are easily capable of helping others experience similar shift of thought and action. A Message to You

Am I Meant to Help? The first step is to know that you are meant to help others now. When you know you are “meant to help others,” you do not need to convince others of your intention. This will be automatic – you will never be in doubt.

Am I Meant to Help? What gives yourself and others a greater sense of purpose in this journey to prefer them to be of greater light than darkness? How will the Ascended Masters assist you to advance to the next level in this vibration? It is not always to be done by yourself. Give another authentic example of love in your own life.

Am I Meant to Help? What helps you to know that you are not alone in your struggle to grow closer to your Higher Self, to your True Self, and to your True Source? As you know and appreciate yourself more, just imagine the blessing it provides for everyone else in your life. What metaphor can you use as personal empowerment to easily travel this journey without a car, a plane, or a special means of transportation not to use public modes of transportation such as this article.

Am I Meant to Help? In wishing to follow the path of higher consciousness and self-empowerment, you may always sense a sense of deep fulfilment that comes from fulfilling your purpose. Not only do you want others to have the freedom of choice to be what they especially want, but you want yourself to be of highest possible value and contribution to others. Like theAsk and it is Givenmanifest in the form of the bookThe Science of Getting Richand latest movieThe Secretis doing so, the more you exercise your freedom of choice, the easier will be your journey of self empowerment and contribution.

Am I Meant to Help? If you are finding yourself pulled to help those who seem helpless in their struggle to survive, then you may even find yourself in need of assistance in finding some direction in helping yourself. If this is the case, then ask for the assistance, guidance, and support of those who can guide you through.

person holding jigsaw puzzle piece