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Creating Your Wealth Mindset

woman placing sticky notes on wall

How are you contributing to the mindset of the masses?

Every decision we make is a belief and an opinion. And those opinions become our very nature. For example, some people accept that there is a chance they may be poor but once they make up their minds that they have decided for every penny they would be rich. They cannot be distracted by any circumstances and are steadfastly fixed on making a fortune for themselves. They are simply a forged creator that they go easily and freely to work for. The others, however, with their inferior and trusted mindsets, do all they can within their capacity and resources to earn a paycheck and survive an uncertain and extremely bleak future.

I have witnessed this and the shift between the two approaches has gone a long way in the life of my parents. As people progress to higher levels of awareness, you cannot afford to be controlled by your particular mindset any longer. All mindsets, and here is the sad reality, are influenced by others, this is simply a fact of life. Before we took on anything new, we must ask ourselves what is it that we want to create. There must be a purpose behind all creation and if we do not go in search of truth, we are influenced by someone else’s thoughts; whether that person is God or the devil.

Once we discover our true life purpose, we must proceed with fervor and willingness. The connection of the mind to the body and the use of the natural power of the mind to seek the answers we seek is what makes the action possible; whether or not we believe in the concept is irrelevant. Just as our belief in God our belief in God is the starting point and fuel we need to carry us along to higher achievements. We cannot seek higher achievements by accepting the mindset that we know all about it.

This is not true creation for the man who is satisfied with just randomly picking any opportunity that appears or accepting anything the mind invites. This is for you; therefore you will create for yourself a mind fulfilled and empowered with the power to seek the truth without needing anything outside yourself to guide you. Do not ask God for anything because God has infinite resources already for your benefit; do not ask the devil for anything because he has only limited control and is tools away from what you seek. Get in tune with your mind and embrace the true creator you cannot afford to lose. I am glad times are now in God’s hands; I am glad God is guiding my steps with love and He directs my direction as the wings lead the steps.

To seek to find something that God has sent you, you must first be humble and take time to self-evolve. Your mindsets have not changed and it is time now to change yours. Find truth and for some spiritual things, take a look into the Bible or even other religious sources. Do not waste your time; seek guidance from those who have vision for your lives and not seek from weak minds. swayed by Imagination of Ego.

It is not my intention to offend you but to help you to realize that if you want to create for yourself the life of your dreams with prosperity, you must first determine your true mindset. In seeking guidance from truth, you will hear about the sacrifices others have made for example: St. Anthony the Great, King Yoda and Buddha. Yes, powerful healers gave their life to be with people; although, other healers will seek their lives for data and data, which will again shift your mindset and realign you with your higher purpose. Be the creator you are; it is your true nature.

So like I have said, in seeking to create your own wealth mindset, there are many roads you can follow. My personal insight is just one; but you have many to choose from. For all I ask, there is not one path or idea that does not lead you to what you seek, but search or follow one path and with perfect faith in your ability to tap the endless energy from Divine Mind and when this is achieved, you must then accept in due course that Spirit does not disappoint and will take you astray. Do not seek from me, seek from others, seek from God or whatever you bring to mind when I tell you; it is you and your success that is all that matters so if your heart is in something you follow. To create true wealth and success based on faith in One is to act in faith and act in love as you decide to be touched.

Let earth–human or divine, be the real spiritual vehicle through which you take where you want to go. Know with confidence that if you follow your visions and act with love you will achieve what you wish for. Try to envision things before you manifest them, though, that is not something the imagination is up to.

close view of scaffolding attach to the building