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P Forecoming P Exceptional

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Picture your self as your own person.

See your self as an intrepid soul, creature of your own inhabitative site.

You could be a female explorer, or a male exploration or scientist or whatever.

You might be bright some days, and not so bright other days.

You might be naked, or yourself wrapped up in a feat of personification and creativity or adventure or physical daring nakedness or a great adventure in the imaginative space… you might be tall, or the short of it’s kind, you might be old, you might be young, you might be repulsively small, you might be a movement, you might be pretending, and in a sense, if you wanted to be, you probably would.

You have just come from a journey.

A journey where you would have to learn, to understand, to observe, and to discover.

We all go on journeys, to learn and to experience and to build on the insights and creations of our long experience for what we came here to do in a particular time and place.

We go in all kinds of directions.

When we come to a place, a location that we know deep down we came from, but would never have imagined going to, it is as if that place has been transformed, turned around, moved, raised to a new purpose that we would have never even foreseen in a thousand years time.

We come with a purpose, a mission, an experience, knowledge, and all kinds of gifts, but we are not always aware of them.

And more importantly, we do not always know how to use what gifts we do have.

And a great portion of those gifts surprisingly are those gifts that we have been blessed with, the ones that will help us to develop the experiences and knowledge in which we are being led to share those insights and knowledge and its gifts with all the life forms that occupy this planet.

The experiences that will propel us to new and often virtually impossible goals.

The experiences that will propel us to be all we can be, and to do all kinds of things that we would not have been able to do if we had not been blessed.

We are blessed, but often do not see the effect that the loving care of others, the gifts of experience, and the loving guidance of family and friends and all the “spiritual” consciousness that is always nurturing us have upon advance knowing of the intentions and actions of others.

The greater part of our surroundings is our mind.

Our bodies are light, bright and happy.

Our minds reflect all the colors of our existence as light, and emotion.

Our minds are happy and often filled with joy,

Unknown gifts nourish the minds and the heart of us, and allow us to remain mindful of the lessons actually being learned in these moments of our lives.

Sometimes our lessons in ourselves ask for our gentle care and support, especially in those times where, despite our best efforts in our efforts to be good and good for ourselves, our behaviour is less than wholesome to ourselves, and our hearts are not as open as would be yours for us, and we do not feel as well as we would hope ourselves to be.

These lessons in ourselves require that we be receptive, to open and be present to the gentle loving hand that we are unexpectedly being nurtured by.

How could it be that we are the ones sometimes, who hold ourselves as such, that we condemn and degrade ourselves over this, and allow the other to criticize us over this?!

The intention of this world is for all of us.

For us all.

We all define ourselves by what we do and be, and by what we can be.

We create all the lovers, the children, the us that we would imagine we could be.

And, yet,

Sometimes we do not see who we could be, until we are by default, thrust into situations where we discover who we really are in ourselves.

And we need to be open to that possibility of self discovery to done regularly, and for ourselves.

When we seek through the experience of doing to discover the learning of the lessons, we continue to learn in the moment of now, and the wisdom is so great and so obvious, that we are enveloped and immersed in the warmth of love, from one person to another at the stroke of a pen or the stamp of a stamp.

How could we consciously do this any other way?

My hope is that this writing sustains you as it has done for me.

We need the Guidance and Knowledge of the loved ones of the process we are in, right now.

They are the kind who never forsake us in times of need.

Pragmatism seldom set apart for the people who are loved and held.

woman in white bath towel holding her hair