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The Internet Vs Forgiveness

woman in purple dress sitting on couch

You hear the phrase, “Forgive and forget.” For many of us, the words Experts,better…oga Weather, makes the idea of forgiveness seem about as easy as breathing underwater!

Forgiveness does not mean lying down and letting things happen. It does not mean being kind to a person who has hurt you. Forgiveness means learning how to let go of the anger, hurt, and pain.

Bob proctor, star of the movieSaul andushof the Life of Saul, goes into great detail about the process of forgiveness in this video. Forgive and forget has been largely taught by well-meaning individuals for centuries.

The process of forgiveness is not a step, but a life. The work is always going on around you, and you might forget that there is a different process of forgiveness. We have to allow ourselves to forget. It appears at times on our own as if the past has erased all memory from ourBeing, but it does not.

Christian Self-Forgiveness helps you to have that absolute certainty that you can not live in guilt once again. It helps you to not be trapped in the past. It helps you to finally let go of that person or persons so that they no longer have control over your future. Forgiveness allows you to put things in its proper position, in your hands. It connects you with your Higher Power.

Forgiveness is essential in gaining this feeling of empowerment. It helps you to believe that you have a choice and therefore believe you can make things right anytime you choose to. It helps you to let go of memories and let them go, once and for all.

Forgiveness helps you to clear a path forThe Most Important Freedom. Freedom from guilt, fear and shame. It helps you to step beyond fear and purposeless, to take that bold step forward, into your future!

The main question that comes up when seeing the freedom I want for myself is, “How does forgiveness help me? When I forgive someone does it mean that he or she is changed? Must they be make heart-rending errors and must they be repented of?”

In effect, the “new” person is simply a better, more illumined version of the same person but it is not the one who is at the root of the problem as a person, but someone who is trying to leave their past.

In the end, forgiveness is simply allowing ourselves to let go of the person in whom we’ve held anger, and we realize that even though the other person may not recognize our forgiveness as it is given, this is the person who hurt us, and anger leads to revenge.

Forgiveness does not mean that we choose to condone the actions or the hurt the other person had to us and let go of our anger.

On the other hand, it does mean that we accept the fact that we had a problem; we accepted it.

Forgiveness is a choice to stop giving yourself (and others) the power to make us feel guilty. It means that the only one who can make us feel guilty is our anger!

Forgiveness is letting go of the events that you cannot change. You have no control over anything. blocked energy is trapped and the situation can actually apologise or step aside but there is no way provide a solution to the problems that cause your pain. You cannot erase the pain you have suffered. Forgiveness is about releasing yourself.

Forgiveness is letting go of the desire to be perfect, including forgiving yourself. Forgiveness is the acceptance of your imperfection in this lifetime, and becoming accepting of the fact that anyone who lives is an imperfect being, including you.

FORGIVENESS is not some form of punishment. Some people get angry at being forgiven by us, and may even get angry at ourselves. In my view, the greatest love we can give is not anger but judgement. Forgiveness means that we no longer need the need to punish ourselves. Forgiveness means owning that we have allowed ourselves to live our lives trying to fix a person, or a situation from a place of judgement. Forgiveness means that we know all of the things we did that caused what others may say or do.

FORGIVENESS does not heal what is happening, but it does help you to see that it may be happening, and when it is, the pain is not yours, but the other person’s, from a spiritually and emotional focus. It does however not condone what they may do next time. Forgiveness is about letting go of it. The universe had no control over your reality.

Forgiveness is a path to peace. Once you can let this go, and you do, you free yourself.

snow covered mountain near body of water during daytime