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How To Solve Your Stress, Even When It’s Holidays

clear glass mug on three stacked books inside room

One reason that our stress levels can be pervasive is the implicit underlying belief that we must be busy, and enjoy apparently airtight times. But, of course, none of that is true. Things such as holiday stress, high pressure career situations, or domestic issues all create overwhelm. How can you get creative in this times? This article presents ideas that do just that. It is based on my thirty years as a Happiness and Success Coach, fifty years of teaching self development, and thirty years of doing my best to help myself, and I have had about a quarter of a million people in my programs, using them.

The holidays are the one time of the year that I see so many kinds of people, from the deeply stressed, to the somewhat relaxed, to the tense, and the quiet, and the frazzled, and the glitter- Jeremy has found the glitter in our normal lives, with his sparkle. And, like sparks, we are all so much alike, that we may not quite know whether we’re a spark – or a glint, but at the same time we are all similar in that we are all about to express ourselves for up to an hour, with our own unique spark and glint. I’m asking you to let your spark emerge fully, rather than just half-asleep and sub-asleep. We have a brighter future than that.


If there is one time of the year that is ripe for self improvement, the holidays are it. When we feel the stress of an externally imposed and self imposed deadline of events that are not really important to us, it also seems that we all, for an hour or an average hour, will allow ourselves no excuses. If there is a belief that we are out to get anything that we don’t have our way, then we are going to spend, spend, spend. What happens when we settle into our comfort zones, and become snctic and tense about our holiday shoulds and shouldaests?

What happens is that we don’t believe in ourselves, and the joy that could come from simply doing things that are the things we love. When I say, “I will take absolutely nothing in my life on this holiday,” things can start to show up in unexpected ways, which is exactly when I can let myself take a step back and think that this is OK for me, I’m okay with taking this moment to slow down and reflect on where I am in my life. I no longer need to borrow the holidays’ energy from outside circumstances. I’m in big part my own world, and once I am in my own world, then I’m free for the holidays so that other’s energies don’t need to add too much to me.

Ways to Unconditional Self Trust

Here are the things that have worked well for me, which may work for you:

Do these things unconditionally and your burdens will be lifted

Consistently greet each condition, situation, event as you would a beloved child, and realize that things that come in your life that you don’t really want may be being presented to you for a reason, and there is a lesson to be learned, and you will have the HERE-NOW experienceto work with, albeit it as alone. As The N blasts itself on your awareness, you will be free to give.

Be very kind and gentle to yourself and others, and be your unconditionally loving self at all times.

Let go of any negative thoughts that creep in towards yourself or others, and be at peace with all that is.

Do what you love to do.

Enjoy being in your special place, whether that is your bedroom, a garden, a park, whatever.

Perfect chocolate, Bring home the family, bring home the food, fall in love, fall in love with the feel of the fresh explorers, fall in love with the authenticity of the direction but the heart of the gift, fall in love with the newness in the will to get it done, fall in love with the glorious colors of the opening, falling in love with the next thing taking shape in front of you. I am leaving you with thoughts that will introduce you to an upgrade of a special version of “unconditional trust.”

white and purple cardboard box