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Looking For Happiness

man in black suit jacket writing on white paper

The best way to feel more happy is to be happy in your life.

There are probably many things that you would like to be more happy about. It is a known fact that you have no control over other people but yourself. You have some control over your own reactions to other people. You can be positive or negative. You can be happy or unhappy. You really do have the ability to choose how you are going to feel at every moment.

It all depends on how you are choosing to feel. The more you are able to do that, the more happiness you create within you. Finding happiness does not involve external factors, but the effect it has on your feelings. You are the one that is in control of how it affects you.

The easiest way to make yourself feel happier is from what you can control, Yourself, your actions and appeals. You recently made a decree to yourself that you were going to be positive for the rest of the day and you did it. You are happy because it worked out well for you. You and it at all levels of your existence.

Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy in the present moment. We all do it all the time. It’s what most of us hope for and wish for. We want it on the slate of our lives, we want it to be our accepted version of normality. We want to be ridofyearly frustrations or the past and move forward into the future. People who live in the present they have less stress and happiness in their lives

Happiness comes from different things for different people. It is immensely helpful if we remember our wholeness. Energy is what we are created from. It is our conscious, subconscious and super subconscious images and memories of past experiences. When all these energies are used to focus on the present, you will see more happiness in your life. The more you are focusing on your thoughts and speaking them, the more positive energy you feel. The more you feel positive, the more positive and wonderful events will occur in your life. Ever experienced bad day? No going to that again. That is a depressing place to be. Instead of feeling depressed, take a deep breath and speak positive words. Which bring more positive energy and you then enjoy another day.

Directing your head towards positive thoughts

Just imagine by changing our negative mind chatter and mental images to positive, we are creating positive energy and attracting more positive energy in our bodies. The positive changes in our moods and feelings become a wonderful royal road to a more wonderful place.

Choose to be happy. It is up to you to direct your head towards the positive and to imagine refreshing, wonderful, beautiful, glorious and happy things. When you start to feel lighter, more calm, more relaxed, less stressful and full of bouncing vitality, you have reached a special place. It is what you chose to be that will end up being.

Being happy on the outside is having a beautiful smile on your face. It is just a smile. All of us can easily fake that smile that brings us momentary happiness. We have so much to smile about and it can give us more material things in life to smile about. A smile will propel you forward. It is symbolic of joy, love, hope and fun.

I take no credit for my smile which is actually quite strange in its origin. I do have a renewed faith in myself which leads me to smile with my eyes. Having someone to share the joy I am feeling is priceless. Another timeless, powerful tool I find helps in times when I am in need of a little boost is talking to a friend. The more you talk about happy things with a friend, the more those feelings will go away.

If you are looking for some assistance in gaining more focus on you, feeling more personal happiness in life, go out and let me know. Life is so very short to waste on misery and unhappiness. Let’s take the first steps to feeling more happy and to living the life I deserve to live. Remember, no one else can ever give that to you. Happiness is a creation of your mind.

white and blue boat on sea during daytime