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Purpose In Life And Business – Four Keys To Success

Business, Life Purpose”You aim in the right place the ship will obey.”- The severed sail of theriage.

A ship is much like the human mind (os). If you are living to your true purpose and doing what you were created to do, the ship, your mind (your purpose) will outrun any competition. And, because the course of the winds that push adversity and resistance against your purpose push you toward your purpose, you will be much further than where you are now. Your life will not only be easier, it will be better and more rewarding.


The Value of Purpose

“No business can prosper unless we are sure that we did our job well.”- Thomas Edison

If there is a company that doesn’t have true purpose, I’d like to take a look at what qualities they will possess to attract the kind of customers and employees they want and need to prosper.

Benefits of being Disciplined:Success is built on discipline, commitment, innovation, excellence, service, integrity, caring, happiness, and creating win/win situations. Sadly, because business has a dimension “outside of the boardroom”, it usually attracts no one whose values are pure.

Have you ever watched what a newspaper, TV or news-magazine business involves? When you sell some sort of product such as newspapers, magazines or books, what you will have to do is produce a product that sells. There are many businesses that will sell a product but not a product that they themselves sell. This is usually because no one did their job well enough or it was the wrong product to sell. This is obvious in the real world as well as in your business. This applies directly to those businesses that are in business and some of those who are in business. They may not be in business because they are doing my job way too well. Or, they may not be in business because the products they sell will not actually bring them customer satisfaction. You may have heard of businesses that when their product didn’t work as it should, they abandoned their team for the next one that will. I know many off Fine foods and they quit the market very quickly with a couple of small markets.

Doing the right thing

To succeed in business, you must do your job what is expected of you. But, you can’t just do the expected nor will you want to. The more you provide value to humanity, the more value you will create for yourself and others. You begin to reap the rewards of this well spent effort, as well as the true satisfaction of a job well done.

The true value comes into the bank as opportunity. Is your firm producing the sort of service that you were made to do? If not, you can increase your value and add value to your employment by starting up a new business. e.g., fast foods ( trucks reborn), dry-cleaning services, clothes stores, Commodity stores, homeware stores, wine stores, beer stores, fast food restaurants,urden store (organized and like a real breadbasket). It may be hard to build a new business but, if you have the passion and the style that it requires, you’ll get started and see it through. Not everyone will succeed so don’t even try to rock the boat but, it might beights that you did what you were made to do with your positive energy and your dreams in hand.

— Failure to hit your goals, fears of employee retentionWhen we fail to hit our sales goal, we fear being fired by someone who is more sales-oriented than we are. Some jobs protect themselves when in certain times, they usually can’t even control theirir said. In this situation, you may have been created for the right reasons but, if your company would have created a machine that will more than make up for your weaknesses, then you would need to be on the fast track. If the goals are reachable, don’t go for it.

— Self doubt and self confidenceSometimes we procrastinate something because we may have a self doubt or a self confidence that says things that we aren’t. If you place value on what you have, the value is only temporary so you put this value on things that can’t be replaced. Procrastination always happens when that value is placed on things that can’t be replaced.This principles can hold you back from success.

— A delay of action can sometimes be the better choice.This is the conscious decision that will look at your goals, your plan, and yourself to decide if there is any more procrastination to be dealt with before you do anything. You can then make a better choice about your goals. This can be a choice that is a decision to step up past today, to begin to be more successful as you move up the ladder of success.

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