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Why I Am A Genius And How I Am Going To Abuse The Power Of Mymind?

black camera on shelf

Why I Am A Genius?

Reason 1: I am a genius because I am in the process of becoming a genius.

Reason 2: If you are thereI will be there. (Be there).

Reason 3: I am there because that is who I am.

Reason 4: Understanding who I am,my reasons for doing what I do and why I do it.

Reason 5: Understanding why all this happens to me.

Reason 6: I perceive that this is just another opportunity to choose.

Reason 7: I am life and I am experiencing life on this adventure called life.

Reason 8: I am making the most of every minute of every hour of every day of every year.

Reason 9: I feel alive.

Reason 10: I see life as between cycles, between birth and death.

Reason 11: There are no boundaries to what I am experiencing and no point to where I come from and no end to what I am travelling.

Reason 12: I see this adventure called life as a series of events, a collection of cycles, a series of challenges and opportunities that are always)…

Reason 13: What a life I have been creating! (No wonder I hardly feel sleepy.)

Reason 14: I just keep on doing what I have to do.

Reason 15: I just keep on breathing and every moment of every day is a marvel.

Reason 16: I don’t see it as work or labour or sacrifice but rather as fun and pleasure and self-fulfilling prophecy.

Reason 17: I am being what I am meant to be.

Reason 18: I am feeling what I am meant to feel in this moment.

Reason 19: What is this wonder?

Reason 20: I don’t know and I don’t care.

Reason 21: I am ever present in my own life.

Reason 22: I see life as illness.

Reason 23: I am the world in which I live and I am wondrous.

Why I Am Coaching And Writing 100’s Of Articles On Lifestyle, Health, Beauty and Life Abundant Prosperity?

Reason 1: in the process of becoming a genius I am developing my talent.

Reason 2: so that I can continue doing what I am doing.

Reason 3: I am honouring my feelings.

Reason 4: I can stay focused and true to my values and purpose.

Reason 5: I can explore my own uniqueness.

Reason 6: I am fulfilling who I’m meant to be.

Reason 7: Thank you for allowing me to fulfill what I want to do with my life.

Reason 8: The mirror is a mirror of who I am.

Reason 9: I see healing rising in my life.

Reason 10: I am flow….

Reason 11: Life keeps changing my attitude and keeping me in motion.

Reason 12: what is happening to me is moving me forward.

Reason 13: I am feeling more empowered and I am clear about what I want.

Reason 14: I have so much energy.

Reason 15: This is what I have been wanting.

Reason 16: There is no limit to what I can achieve.

Reason 17: More and more each day my inner-self is becoming clearer to me.

Reason 18: I am doing what I was born to do.

Reason 19: I work for the truth of all I believe in.

Reason 20: I have infinite choices and the guts to follow my purpose with all of my heart.

Reason 21: I live the values and principles that matter.

Why I AM Getting AGETISms?

Reason 1: I am getting fit in the body in which I reside in order to contribute to life in greater ways.

Reason 2: I am being inspired, because I have something to contribute in greater ways in my community. I change lives and inspire others to feel good too.

Reason 3: I am getting in touch with my inner self so that I can inspire others.

Reason 4: I am being inspired by music, having a good time and helping others.

Reason 5: I am being inspired by life at large – by my environment and life in general.

Reason 6: I am putting reality in its place.

Reason 7: I am getting in touch with my inner self and my dreams and fantasies and the fantasies that come into life.

Reason 8: I am cleaning up all that clutter that’s been bothering me.

Reason 9: I am healing my past and being more clear now that I have made huge strides forward from where I was in the past.

Reason 10: I am living the values and principles that matter.

Reason 11: I am fulfilling who I am.

aerial view photography of architecture building