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What to Do When YOU Are All Dumped

three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard

So, it happened again. That Pretty Voice thing…

I think they say it’s the loser’s VOICE and it turns down our albino filaments (depending on which one, I’m not too sure as it is how we’re going to hear it)

The voice we need to worry about the most is that voice that comes from our own minds. It’s the one that searches for answers and asks for “clues” as to why we can’t do or have what we are trying to achieve.

Our friends, family and co-workers often talk to us, and sometimes they say things like, “why can’t you do that?” Don’t believe them? Think about some of the things you said “NO” to when it came to getting things done. Maybe once you start thinking about how much you don’t want the outcome, and why you aren’t having it, you will believe things begin to change.

So, here is a little exercise to start you to think about that voice, and what it wants to have you get done, so you can say to it, “You can’t make me.”

During the next two days, write down at least 5 items that are so obviously important to you that it won’t take much for you to enjoy success and get them done. Just 5, no more. The more the better, but most important is to write them down.

For the next 7 days, each morning choose one of the 5 items and commit somewhere between 5 and 20 minutes to getting it done. Remember that no settling for less, this doesn’t take the money out of your pocket, it doesn’t shut down your business, but it does take away your power and focus.

Nothing more than 5 total, and make sure to link up them in 3 screens. In the first screen write down the first item; second, step three list what is second; third, step 4 list third. Make sure the tasks are as actual as possible, and try to make them as unpredictable as possible as possible, try to have each task get completed before moving on to the next one.

Next is to take these 5 tasks and put them onto your calendar simply for those 7 days. Once they are done or completed, you should feel great, you should feel very productive, and that great feeling should continue to grow into a bigger belief that you can do what you need to do, have what you want to have.

Take some time now and start writing down your top 10 or 5 things, and do this for a week.

Exercise Time

You’ve already had fairly decent success and you have made some serious changes to your life, what about your Warrior Mentality?

Of course, the Success Mindset is a part of every person’s life, or lack there of, but when your expectations are way too high at the start, of course things start to be taken care of harmfully.

Maybe your first mistake in this exercise is that you can’t do it perfectly. I can tell you that not all areas of life. I really could go one farther, you could do this in unity, with your spouse and some good friends, small talk, or it may sound like this to you,

1. I don’t do that thing – agreedSometimes we don’t do that thing because we give up way too much when you get the slightest room, or before you get any great results.

2. What would happen if I stopped?I think you’ll agree this might happen if you are doing so much to make it happen that you can’t take a breath.

3. I don’t do it anymore, agreedToo busy for that, success isn’t there, isn’t it, probably it just takes more of your time, energy and focus on your thing and you have moth control of your time spent doing those things.

4. I try, but can’t, agreedThere are some habits and behavior patterns that we do because we just don’t know any better/higher way. It takes at time for you to acknowledge these, but that is apart of your growth and you will have adopted them or they will just begin to be like a habit for you.

5. I don’t care, agreedThe first thing in this is the apology for all those things you may have neglected or not done, and the acknowledgment of things to do, eventually. The part that doesn’t need any work is the system itself, it should get easier as you build your wisdom and success. Gather all the tools, a stick very crucial as it makes it more of a habit to have these, as an aid for those times you feel you have failed or have failed yourself unnecessarily.

I will also add a Teachable Gratitude.

man reading book