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Living by Faith: The Meaning of Romans Chapter 1

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In Greek, in chapter 1 of Romans, Paul is telling the Romans to endeavor to live by faith, beyond the consciousness of reason. He draws their attention to the implication of living by faith in the midst of the knownsweat of the mind, (due to the weakness of the flesh), and by the freedom from the corruption that is associated with sin. Contrary to how the mind recoils, there is a reality that exists beyond the mind’s ability to conceive, which procures a reality that cannot be conceived by the mind’s ability.

This is the reality of a whole other reality that exists in the Spirit realm. The flow of the Spirit producing what has been pre-determined by the Creator. The meaning of Romans Chapter 1 boils down to this one central theme: Living by faith, which is nothing less than belief without seeing. When the mind cannot conceive, it does not know its role, and as such it cannot function with the freedom to function in the intended venue of Christ. The opposite of this goal, is people’s participation in the spiritual or mind-based discipline to excessively abide in the mind and ignore the experiences of the flesh. The mind is the part of the mind that even Jesus could not heal or deal with, because of his perspective of the mind. In John 4 Jesus tells that he was unable to heal the woman based on her unbelief in the faithfulness of God. Faithfulness to God goes beyond the mind. The mind is limited by the flesh; this makes itself pointless beyond usefulness without the Spirit realm.

Just as Jesus’ life was also limited to the mind, we are also limited to the mind in our own prayers. The devil’s goal in the mind arena is to take the faith of a believer, God’s own ability to bring cosmic blessings, and strip him down to the mind and then function within the flesh. The mind will function as God intended it to function, but when it is pre-programmed against the truth of God’s mind, God’s intended purpose of his creation will eventually go unfulfilled.

A comment came from a Facebook friend who shared what had occurred at a prayer meeting when she wondered what was happening at the restoration session: “Some people are finding their way back to God, but others areFinding their way back to the ways above”. What was said here is that many people fight their way back to God; these are those that most havespiritual failures. In explaining this circumstances, another Facebook friend had this to say: “Living by faith is not easy, but, it is simple. Think of how simple that is…and how hard it must be to fight your way back to the things that you want”.

The wise fear the LORD, and shun evil aptly; of this chapter’s lesson is evident in Romans Chapter 6. You must fear the LORD and shun a look into immorality, not merely for the sake of being faithful to the law, but out of love you desire to see better days for yourself. To live by faith is not a life without the struggle, contrary to many people. To live by faith is to fly like an eagle, under the relentless onslaught of possible perils, no matter as how likely they are, but to boldly fly beyond them so that they do not browbeat you against your will. The meaning of Romans Chapter 1 is to truly think it, speak it, speak it again, and hold it in your heart and mind and proclaim it with authority. Know that you are responsible for what you say; a Awful Word means to still uphold the truth and recite it in spite of intimidation and admonition. In the event that a living Word can be taken by another, bring yourself back to the original message in order to keep it in tact.

In short, if you are in a place where you need to be, know the meaning of Romans Chapter 1 and your responsibility in order to overcome the hardships along the path before you. In turn, you will have the certainty of exercising the great Power the Lord has placed in your hands as a gift: Living by faith!

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