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Finding Your Personal Power – The 2 Key Steps For Women to Change the World

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Finding your power means owning self-realization.. Self-realization is really a difficult thing to grasp for most women. We’ve been told that we’re not measuring up at work, we may be depressed on the inside, that relationships are our biggest challenges, and we may be afraid of being overwhelmed with family and friends at home. All of these ideas have had a negative effect on the way we see ourselves. These negative beliefs and ideas have resulted in us feeling like nothing we do matters; not pretty enough, not smart enough, not good enough, powerful enough, and so on.

You can obtain self-realization by observing your behaviors and the effect it has on others and the world. You need to look at the person you see in the mirror, whether you like what you see, or whether you are afraid of change. (Oh, no. I didn’t want another exercise in making good choices!)

Once you identify your own shortcomings, you can do things to correct them. Of course, those shortcomings are caused by expectations and patterns of behavior that have probably been utilized the most. These patterns give you a safety net in times of crisis. If you are honest with yourself, you’ll know that you can actually do a lot to better your life, but we all get in situations where we are forced to choose between right and wrong. When the choice is yours, take responsibility for making it in the moment, be in the moment, and demonstrate to the world that it is exactly what you will live into because of your choices.

“When one wants to achieve something in life, all the Universe conspires in putting it next to you. All interrelated activities are intimately bound with one another.” -alking mature, three personal statements,

I have spent almost my entire life trying very hard to change anyone who would come into contact with me for any reason-relationship, friendships, family, work, etc. I am in training to teach others about how to live the life they dream of. I just want to make sure you know that everyone is worthy and worthy of love, happiness, and success. We all have the opportunity to make changes in the direction of self-actualization, however, it is up to you to obtain these goals and you must be aware of your needs and your feelings. Are you surrounded by people, activities, and opportunities that feel unfulfilling?

In order to find peace and happiness, we must stay connected to our self and things that evoke positive feelings and emotions such as laughter, flowers, and children. Once you have determined who you want to be and what you want to do in your life, create an action plan, and then work through your fears with intelligent ways to overcome and overcome obstacles that get in your way. You won’t think about the actions you are taking right now….you will only be thinking about your future.

A small event has the capacity to radically change your life if it is viewed as such. One day I looked into a bowl of Responsibility Seed. I felt brave for the first time in my life and offered myself to plant the seed. The more I planted the more it grew. I looked back on my life at that moment and was strongly impressed with my ability to be a conscious force for good in this world. For these seeds to grow, I had to be my greatest supporter.

We are all provided different gifts. Are you sitting outside of your comfort zone enjoying the beauty of nature? There is a saying that you have to be bold to win the race of life. Taking action is the first step in creating the life you want. Life is a collection of moments. You decide how each moment will look for you.

Here is the magic of identity “The discovery of Your Personal powerhouse seed:”

1) The Sourcerest: This seed comes together in the form of a latent desire. It is hidden from your view. Your greater self has this seed, and it begins to grow. Each time you remember that seed, you receive a new piece of information with its own power.

2) The Seed: Look at the seed you have sown. It will grow. Use your knowledge to make time to have a quiet time in nature. When the seed begins to grow, you need to be as the silent observer in life. This seed is like the music you find in silence. It has been there all along. You have just forgotten.

3) Seedfall: This seed will start to grow and mature when time has progressed. Watch and see that you are no longer stirred by the seed. You upgrade who and what matters to you. Your outlook and the way you approach the purpose of your life.

Finding your personal power is about digging deep within yourself to become more of who your business defines you to be.

man and woman sitting on table