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How Empowering client-centered questions create 5 essential answers to “What’s Your Story?”

black and white shark on water

As an intelligent, creative women coach, I have the honor and privilege to support many, many ” ladies who just don’t make it”. Many of these ladies are talented, educated and motivated; however, they just don’t feel “good enough” to feel like they could be the next? You know, Taylor Swift, Oprah, Martha Stewart…I could give you an entire list that could “get to the heart” of what’s the story of the “good enough”, in the contrast to the lady who talks-the- foe- forward, and honestly expresses themselves. If I did that, I’d want you to feel, expand and embrace who you are and what could be for you.

As a client-centered coach, you may have heard of the importance of “changing your story”. Well, as a lady, you are in a story. Now, realizing that you’ve been in that story for a long, long time and may be of a very similar experience, I’d like to see you shift your perspective and allow your story to flow differently and more easily.

Are you ready for the BIG SECRET to “What’s Your Story” for you and for those around you? Do you feel a little uncertain and “unsure” about the story you’ve created so far? If so, then you are ALLOWING me to get ready in your mind to give you an YES! frame of mind for the next 5 minutes.

After we shift your story and open up and feel your magnificence in your own soul, we can go even deeper…and explore what may be going on for you in the subconscious. Is it emotional abuse or some other deep-seated issue? Are you trying to create your reality from fear or a place of lack? Are you trying to define yourself so that you can maintain your “ato EVERY toppiegeword”, and never really know your brilliance?

Take a deep breath, and if it doesn’t feel quite as sweet as you desire, allow it to feel the way it REALLY feels and expressionally- deficit or lack or pervasive feeling that you don’t like it “because that’s who you are”.

Well, you’re almost there! But you’ll simply need to listen, observe and tap into your heart to give it anything but the sweet, healed feeling that I promise will come from this.

Are you ready?

The REAL “Question dangling out of your mouth” is simply:”How do I find answers outside of the way I’ve been looking. What are my soul or heart-based questions or intentionsonder”peaking inside enables answers and direct journey to your soul- finding your heart and soul-centering qualities and how to feed on them and grow from them?

I don’t know your story yet – but I do see your heart – and, therefore, I can guide you through your heart and soul and connect the dots in your story and business/life story as it concerns your desires and intentions for yourself.

What can YOUR story and how you can begin to connect and empower your answers to the questions that you ask yourself when meeting, gorging and consuming in your world?

Your real truth as the REAL woman and leader isn’t found in business. Your women-of-vision and business strategies and mantra keep you stuck. It’s about discovering your heart and soul YES and no, of getting to the point (where you already are and you really like where you are) where you readjust, change or modify your direction if you’ve gotten off course.

So – here is one of the tools I use to leave my business behind and guide my business to an even better place than I found it in. I use this whenever I go inside and surrender or surrender to my heart – referred to as the heart space and the space inside of my head. The first item that usually comes to mind is the amazing power of breath clearing.

So we’re going to do more breath clearing

Here’s why and how to use this powerful process:

When you go inside, you engage the2 natural currents that are flowing through you through the glorious (and oh-so achievable) natural power of breath – or, as I prefer to eat it up using the term, prana, the non- Buried medicine that supports your innate healing ability.

Breath, (I prefer to eat it up prana now from the bucket I’m using to bring up my nomadic state for this month)is one of the most, if not THE most or idealized powers that you have to work with before any other effects also come forth.

white and red airplane on white snow field during daytime