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What Do You Attract?

people standing forming a circle during daytime

The Law of Attraction is a much simplified way to state what you attract into your life is a more powerful question than you can ever imagine.

You may have seen the inspirationaron Gordon insert into the movie The Secret simply stating: What you attract will be forth mean. After watching the movie myself I had to agree with this.

What I attract into my life will be in direct proportion to what is going on inside of me.

This is not always an easy point to get across to people. Most people remain completely unaware of the true psychological make-up of the human mind.

If you are aware that your thoughts and feelings send out a message which has the power to stimulate exactly the kind of behavior or mood you are attempting to produce at the moment, you can use your conscious power to become more deliberate and intentional about the kinds of thought and feelings that you project.

The good news is that it is accomplished much easier once you become aware of how this process works. This is the far easier way to increase your ability to attract what you want.

What we think about, we will experience in its exact correspondence. To this effect I have attached an affirmation to the end of this article to help focus your attention on the factors which support your experiencing what you want to attract.

If you find yourself thinking about a lack of what it is you want, I encourage you to hooks and sins climbing!!!

If you are thinking about the fact that you are fearful about what may happen if you ask for what you want, etc but you still continue your present actions, you are still practicing and reinforcing the process of inviting more lack of what you want into your life.

If you want to have more money, perhaps, you think about your financial need but you have failed to take any course of action to have more money and you still remain without it.

If you want to have a great lover or a good spouse, you think about what this person is like, your personality and what kind of values your partner shares, but struggles persist and you remain alone.

If you want a new investor, you think about what he or she might do for your project and you fail to take any action at all which will keep you in the same financial situation and life in general.

If you think about what it would be like to have $25,000 for your educational expenses this month which you will need to pay for your course, you will find yourself in need of the funding even if you have renewed your clothes and shoes, destroyed you relationship with your parents, admired your friend’s new wife and your own parents, etc.

We are constantly attracting thoughts, feelings and activities which match what we are thinking, feeling and doing.

It is important to remember that we attract into our mind what we think about, feel about and act upon.

What we think about we bring into our life. If we hold a thought for long enough we begin to bring into our life the outer equivalent of our thoughts.

This is not so much good or bad, which are functions of our conscious mind; It is our subconscious thoughts and feelings which influence our subconscious behavior

We each choose how we want to be and what we decide to become and acquire.

If we do not choose or accept our thoughts and feelings and behaviors, they will manifest in many different forms in order for us to become a worthwhile person to live with and for the rest of our lives in order to experience the good feelings that create positive feelings about ourselves and the world.

If you are unable to appreciate and accept the glorious world that we have been given, then the same world will continue to be without the wonderful experiences and opportunities that you deserve.

You can always change what we call “reality” if you choose to change yourself to reflect the light of a new and better circumstances and environment for you.

You will begin to attract beautiful relationships and opportunities into your life. People and circumstances will be drawn and attracted to you because of your new attitudes, thoughts, feelings and actions.

The world will offer to you the opportunities you desire on the basis of how you behave, how you feel and how you talk to yourself and others.

If you want to attract more into your life then you have a commitment to change your thinking and actions. It is time to learn to accept only the best and you will enjoy the benefits that will flow from your change.

man in black suit standing on red and white flag