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Character! It’s What You Say, But More

three men inside ships cabin

If you talk the talk, you’re a person along for the ride, but where’s the AAA guarantee, or support system that you need to help you succeed and reach your goals?

Facing up to your own right and responsibility is the greatest challenge you will have to face. You can’t escape it, and no one else can either. So you might as well face it head-on. Decide now, in the here and now, to appreciate yourself, your strengths, your talents and abilities. Don’t just get busy, but commit yourself to be productive. Recognising and accepting your own decent qualities and weaknesses, then deliberately increasing anddeveloping those good points. This is a journey, a process, a journey that will never end.

tags – permanent

This attitude is a cornerstone of your success. It forms the basis for all other virtues and eventually success on its own.

It is true that destiny is not a matter of chance; but it is a matter of choice taken by humans. So it stands to reason that anybody, democracy included, can change their destiny by changing the way they think. Therefore, the fundamentals of character are discoverable, for what every individual does and thinks during their lifetime. Everyone can improve their own level of character through some learned effort, skill, and willpower.

If you’re willing to change a few things you do now, many of those things will not produce the desired result as you wished. So, be willing to change the things that produced the undesirable results for you.

If you do this, within limits, there is 100% guarantee that you will succeed in your efforts.

As John May Sheikh said, “There is no single quality, path, or spiritual value greater than the quality of courage.”

Character is the Cornerstones of Courage

People of good character feel safe, secure in all situations. They have faith and are stewards over their actions. They go through life freely and make their own way, even though they are taught to follow others in order to gain support. People of strength have an attitude that they will succeed. Their character and ethics are strong and they leave absolutely no place for mediocrity in their endeavors. They refuse to settle, to contain, or forsake. They work hard, even though they may lose in the process.

“A man of courage makes his own luck.”

– Winston Churchill

Courage in the face of adversity comes from character, which cannot change. Our character is ingrained, not raised, and we are a product of what we’ve experienced up to now. People to gain weight and people to stay off weight, and people who are afraid to take on the road less traveled. Bad habits to try to change to good habits.

So when we try to change, it is entirely up to us. We ‘make our own luck’ by deciding to do the things we think will help us succeed. We may not have had the perfect start, and in many ways, we make our own path to success. But, we can rely on our own efforts, our own journey to get us where we want to go.

” character is what you do between two easy puzzles, whether they be difficult or easy.”

– Carrie Fisher

It’s the journey, not the destination that’s important. Or, as Satisfries the artist. For the very last day of a purpose driven life, we hope to earn enough to give back. If you make your own life plan, and if you are content in expressing and living your passion, you come to your own consensus, the one you have developed for yourself, and possessed since you could read.

Your own character, your own powers within, is the corner stone of your own strength and achievement.

Once you understand and accept responsibility for the good things in your life, and accept the responsibility for the bad things, it is simply a matter of finding new goals. New goals to raise your confidence and your awareness of your own true potential. And all of these new goals start with one thing the man/woman admitted to himself, some time ago, that he didn’t care to fight: himself.

people sitting on ground beside trees during daytime