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How To Challenge Yourself And Develop Personal Power

man in black jacket standing in front of black and gray industrial machine

Every person wants happiness and freedom. However, for them to become fulfilled and have personal power, they need to learn to recognise what is within their control and learn to remove themselves from the alleviation caused by others’ emotional or physical engineered opinions.

We all have an intellectual ability to know what is beyond our current intelligence; we just want to see a purpose in our life and do not know how to achieve it. If our upbringing was towards an authoritarian background, we will have learned to obey, and we will have developed our leadership skills. If parents gave us a high level of intellect and we developed how gifted and intelligent our intelligence became, we then tend to be taught to obey, feel sorry for ourselves, and even to procrastinate on our desires. We are as strong as our values and beliefs allow us to be. If we believe we do not have enough knowledge and intelligence, then so we shall not create success, or just any success, but will still be forced to question our self-worth. We acquire doubt and fear, and for us to succeed, there needs to be a constant internal drive to develop our personal power.

“Real wisdom consists in avoiding this door with caution”- Tao Te Ching

Another important part of having personal power is having the discipline to overcome limiting beliefs and traditions, and to organise our lives around the asset that is in front of us, which is our present situation. When faced with the demand and boundaries which we place around ourselves spiritually, in our personal remains, we become torn and cannot proceed to fulfil our personal quest.

Whenever we do not live within our boundaries, we become confused and go around with a target on our backs, not knowing where we are going. Through erosion we loose our own depth and twinkling in our eyes.

“They sought to make the most of life; they sought to enjoy and do the best they could. They valued effort, and paid a great price for their success.”- Charles de Brett

When I watch people chase their dreams, I see fast, professional, and efficient machines that one day will be taken apart and used by the poor for FREE because we have lost sight of what holds our first and foremost priority – You, and your Integrity.

The first step to gaining the leverage to step out of the comfort zone and achieve your dreams is to recognise where you lack integrity. Do you treat yourself like or should I say like a child: Do, I’ll be there, one day you come for me! Do we look for immediate gratification and satisfaction and the moment will pass you by; or do we consider ovenBoth our else and my own.

I am not an Olympic gold medallist in any of the disciplines I compete in. However, I have an Olympic mind. I know that I need to put my mental and physical equipment to the test to better my own performance and to give my gift to the Commands, or to make my mark inrunner’s club. I know that Olympic athletes do not win their events without the determination to be the best. This is true for those of us, like me, who regularly race towards excellence, away from mediocrity (or worse) and towards achievement.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”, says psychotherapist Christopher Peterson. In fact, doing this before you hit 30 or 35, or sometimes much later, so you have time to re-focus on what your main priorities should be. I am going far easier, or as easy as I can push myself, than I did as a shy and bullied teenage girl; it will be far more difficult for me to “re-Create the Ideal Self” in my old age.

Create Nearly perfect caution and foresight in your life; make it easy for you to recognise when you are out of your depth; do not despair if you fail eight out of ten things in your first year of marriage or at work. Create your goals; learn from your mistakes, and decide on your course; and most vital of all…take action NOW.

“The greatest gift one can give another is to be and remain silent.”

red floating device close-up photography