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Abundance And Lack Of It

red and white ship near dock

In this life, may be some of us are caught up in the illusion of lack. We interpreted lack and lack of are separate; separate from God-the higher consciousness consciousness and the one thought. The belief that you cannot have what you want is stated as the law of lack and fear. A belief in a separate reality of lack, from which you cannot get out, is a cause of lack and fear. The illusion of lack, manifested through being separated from your source, is especially compelling, fearful if you want to lose weight. The fear of the weight comes from the lack of your having what you want to manifest in your life. A belief in lack and the fear of things you fear will manifest as a cause of fear. Not knowing when it will show up, you fear it is a potential shown and manifest.

We are taught that there is a real world, a separate story we are told about our belief system and how we can get to a desired end, Our belief system is taught to believe in a story about what we can and cannot have–different beliefs, so different only our awareness of who we are, separate from our source, separates us from what we desire, from the divine life force.

We have been taught there is a main goal to accumulate things and stuff by all means, that there is not enough. And we are told not to forget our story. And that if we do forget our story, we feel a loss, a loss of our identity, and we experience a sense of loss of self. But it is not real, it is only a story we have been taught, because it is not the truth about how the divine life force functions.

If you came from the divine source in your state of consciousness, you could have whatever it is you want, and you would not have to worry about it. It wouldn’t be there waiting for you. It would be created for you, with a request and a “wish” of what you want. You are that for-but not in the way you may be saying now.

Quoting again from “Think And Grow Rich” by ReneĀ“Anne WORKS :” Divination, once again brought tofore, will enable the student of metaphysics to open SOMEosing ABOUT what is far below the conscious mind. (The “conscious” mind should exclude the ability to perceive independent thought). The student can learn HOW to open HOW to the “unseen” part of the mind, which has always existed and which can never cease to exist. Learning HOW to use the “unseen” in the prudent way, not in the rash way, is the VERY OPPOSITE of what the wise would say, and is actually THE very OPPOSITE of the wise. (To this point, metaphysics has always taught to learn HOW to create, and how to use the mental process of thought in developing thought as specifically known as spirit creates spirit). We meet a lot of wishful thinking at its base level.” This is such a powerful lesson. It could create new level of understanding that creates new understanding of what the power is, and how it works. We are meant to learn how to use our inner powers. If we are not using them consciously, unconsciously or in a manner that does not take the power into consideration then our accepted version of the ways how we use what we have is flawed.

From a higher level of consciousness, we now know that you have access to an infinite supply of all the knowledge through the most precious, pure and creative energy of our state of consciousness. We have access to higher planes, and demons, angels and other beings of light. But the problem with this knowledge is that we tend to think we are stuck because we’ve actually come to the level of consciousness we need to bring in order to use the information we hear. We acronym have come to connect on a higher level. We understand how miraculous life is. We are able to create change at the most extreme way. Did we need to learn how to do this? Can we do it by being told, and by definition didn’t know how? Should it be easy by now?

It wasn’t easy for us to set up the know how. It is our hearts. We are a being of light that can manifestanythingwe truly want to be doing at the most intense level imaginable. But we can only do this if YOU have the connection to the higher vibrational plane to be able to deal with this. The higher knowledge we learn about the care and feeding of karma, our responsibility, our purpose in this life, our physical life in the exact same way, will change the way we view everything we do from now on and definitely profoundly change the way we interact with others as well.

woman wearing black crew-neck dress walking near the chair