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Find Your Importance in Life

flowers in clear glass vase on table

Dearest Darling Readers,

Has life got you down lately? I’ll give you a hint – it could be me. And trust me, I get you.

Remember the time when we stood by your side and understood you completely? Remember all thoughts that taunted your mind and filled your mind with questions like “Who will I be without my partner? Who will I be without my parents? Who will I be without my children? Who will I be without my parents who taught me to be a good person? Who will I be without my siblings and my parents? Who will I be without my friends and my liked ones in my life? Who will I be without that career? Who will I be without my marriage?” Don’t you feel the emptiness in your soul? Don’t you feel the emptiness in your heart?

And well…. the emptiness feels so real that we don’t know how to stop wondering, stop begging or stop crying….

And I’m coming out of this process and here I come again to how finding our essential importance in life makes us feel and how we can come out of this euphoria with just a touch of clarity and confidence to know which direction lies ahead of us.

One of the most important things that I have learnt is that in a moment of decision, you make your position. And then you create your future.

This is the first moment you wake up and decide that you need something to journey to. It is the moment you decide your religion, your faith or your values. This is the moment when you decide the path you want to take in your life. This is the moment when you decide your life purpose.

Do you realize that at this moment, this decision is creating you as person? Here are a few of the realizations I made: I’m a Canadian; I have a family and a career; I’m a woman; I’m a wife; I’m a daughter; I’m a mother. And this list goes beyond the house, the family and the career. Well, I continue to have so many yummy things to consider in my life. And I need to say that many of these decisions I have made are not so simple or as obvious, but in the end, it’s the strong decisions that will get you through. I like to put them in a pie, the big ones at the bottom of the pie where I can see it all and make sure I don’t miss any of them…. Yet, I have great fun eating the small ones with knowing that I am becoming a bit more creative and confident. I add my self-confidence to the equation with eating all the free munchkins but I like to use ones with significant reasons.

Should you consider investing in a life coach? That’s pretty simple right? I mean you need to deal with someone regardless if this is a conference NLP colored suit or just-decided to have a go. That’s a bit of effort and a chance to meet new people and sort of know them better. You just need to find a coach that allows you an intervention to tell him what’s going wrong, your identity, and the things you need to work on… Yet, that person may keep it joined to their wings instead of taking the chance and find out how to grow as a person in the first place. Say, for instance, let’s say you take the one position you chose. Then he’ll be looking at you as a helpless bag lady and you are in enormous trouble. If you don’t have the answers on how to change your life, at least now they’re catalog shaped and disged. What do you think will happen? Probably, you’re convince it’s the sitter who will help you change….

Ok, what about the people who are attracted to this guy but unfortunately already knows this about you…. Then they’re the kind of people who keep in mind what strategies used every day. It does not change because you wanted this opportunity to happen. A chance to gain balance, pay attention to yourself and avoid all those touching moments whereAt least you will take more than half note in your work…. And if you are still not the most important thing in their life then it’s simply not as good as it should be… I’m so sad to say this but our life long plans don’t always go through to the way we want it to be or how we can understand the situation at the time when they can come accordingly. It’s simply a wishful thinking situation a lot of times with a twist.

The right-minded people actually gives you the chance to put things in the right priority order. The right-minded people only wants you have a lot of money……..and that’s just not right…… baseball players only to get paid big money when they play have clients and fans who loves the game and also cares about their progress in it.

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