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Where Are Our Angels? And What Are The Angels Saying?

With the shift in consciousness that we are currently experiencing, more and more people are hearing that their angels are present. They are participating in the form of collectives that are uniting many angelic paths. There are holy places around the planet sacred to the angels for them to perform their divine duties. There are stories of angels in the stories of Jesus. It is the truth that the angels are everywhere and in everything.

A survey conducted in 2007 found that 9 out of 10 people believe in angels. The study that was the subject of the study reported that in the U.S. alone there are approximately 100,000 people who believe in Angels. It would only go to be cynical to say that we then have a huge minority that all make a concerted effort with personal effort in their belief. The truth is that most people have always heard of Angels but may not understand what they are. The question then is: Why are so many people hearing of angels? When asked, many often answer: “to find their answers”. For what reason? Then we wonder why people feel those answers or hear voices in their heads.

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The truth is that, usually when we feel the “angelic presence” within us, it is the voice of that little aspect of ourselves that best speaks to us. We all have been gifted with a feeling of that inner voice – our inner guidance system that most of the time is right for us. Most of the time it will lead us in the right direction and not to the external voices such as the media, politicians, and falling windows. When we feel the negative energy from others, it is almost always an indication that that person is not aligned with the angelic vibration. Usually, we will feel something is wrong but few people understand how we can naturally and easily ‘feel’ the angelic presence within us.

One of the things we are about to discover is how we are holding ourselves in when we hear that negative voice that is constantly trying to undermine us. The truth is that, no matter how much we want to deny it, at some level we have that voice that has disagreements with us. At times it is very loud in our mind and it pushes us off balance emotionally. It doesn’t like the decisions we make. It is like an unruly child that contrary to parents’ wishes, it wants to interrupt our tasks, sabotages any plans we try to make, and rebelling, makes the parents feel it is their job to correct it.

When we start to feel this discord within us, it is a way of telling us that this part of ourselves is not in our best interest. Therefore, in order to create harmony and balance in our own lives, the authentic part of ourselves will push back and create a culture of harmony without fighting against the system of self that energizes it and allows it to grow. This is usually the approval we receive from friends, the pleased expression, that re-energizes us and strengthens our resolve to accomplish our life’s purpose by finding a greater purpose. It is the group of positive influences, the people we make each day and the world we enter into, that make the difference in our lives.

When we hear our angels speaking to us on the phone as they call to share with us their thoughts on the matter, it is definitely a reflection of the level of belief they hold in what they are doing. It can also uncover a part of ourselves that is under-appreciated. For many people love is an essential part of life. They value relationships and feel they are looked after when they are in a group of people who care for each other. It is well documented the impact of the love of other people in the lives of thousands of people who have witnessed their impact on their lives. It is the positive feelings that have affected lives positively, that have made the world life more than what it would otherwise be.

We have another angel of counsel, one that is present with us always – proceeding to help us achieve happiness and better opportunities for ourselves and our families and don’t we also want to hear that voice of the inner soul or sub-conscience saying that we are always blessed to be part of one of God’s greatest works of creation? We are often unprepared to realize the noise of what is going on all around us. Even other people who have started living life more spiritually recognize there is something more to life than what is taking place within the visible, tangible aspect of reality. There is a power and a purpose behind the lifecpects that can be experienced without the pressures of the day-to-day routines of living.

Hopefully, if you are experiencing a void or a sense of lack in your life, discern the voice of your divine aspect that is begging to be heard.

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