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How To Be Happy – Utilize Your Shadow

Let’s start with a little story.

We had been talking about all the positive changes which had happened in our lives since taking on physical fitness trainer 4, so I told him that I also wanted to use them. He thought that that was a great point and that was exactly what I needed.

macro photography of fruits

One of the years he had trained was in the 1980s. There was no proper equipment for the job. Instead of using what was available from the fitness industry to improvise equipment, I chose to look at what I had available from the shadow side of life.

You know… What am I cooking up deep down? I always raise my hand when one of my favorite films is on and say look at the themes that are taking place all over the world… There is an underlying or parallel universe composed of almost innumerable balls and likelihood of resistance.

Well… What am I cooking up? A fire and brimstone will be generated from the cooking up of this sort of liberation from the fiery attributes of this side of life and character reflection and finally let go into transformation and diss Ceasing of states including the effects of human potential with the Source contain in the Cosmic Field of Magic.

I didn’t really need good equipment for this exercise. I already had all the physical equipment that is required for exercise but no access to the processes to manifest the treated performances. I like to call this “the discipline”.

I call it like this because of the limitations, rules and expectations that I had created for myself. I thought it was my honest intention to accomplish my goals and so create a harmony between me and my environment. I was interested in those “thing or events”, which are worth a certain amount of energy (whether or not they were perceived because of yet unseen causes) and I spent a lot of time working on my own to manage things.. to buy more time, less time, more time…

I took hope from: you know what, I didn’t seem to be getting anywhere. I was not making much progress and I had signed up for a personal development program just to enhance my awareness of personal power and the mysterious fuel reserves which manifest in those credentials in my life. At the same time I wasn’t sure about my ability to allow for too much time for these exercises and to do both of them in a fifteen or twenty minute dosage?

Am I bragging or creative thinking?

Then I got my first authoritative source about the Nobody, matches Jew and billionaire, Steve Jobs, whom I met through one of his books and they informed me that Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, were paying the very large salary (over $100,000 a year) that I had come up with as a pattern of work to support my belief in my ability to manage the body and force to market my work.

Interesting, in an odd way. The kick in the pants was more focused on the market place, who was trying to eat my soul and an ugly developing world which desperately needed some empathy, creativity, and stimulation.

These events gave me the courage to start my self-workbooks and to form myself as a living breathing organism with the ultimate aim of manifesting the content of my works in physical form.

The next step was to identify, recognize and study each and every person and event that would be presented in my works. I wanted to integrate and manifest as many elements of my “thing” into my own thoughts as possible.

Your eternal self.

I have always disapproved of Guide vast given by some of the sacred traditions and religions. I hate the subject of Guide, because I don’t believe that the world exists. I don’t think that there is a God, and I had a religious upbringing not to look for God inside anything. I am not a religious man.

An interesting thought

I think that the guide would always be set before me; I may have glimpsed it, but during the seven years of my life, I adapted and read many books of various cultures and groups and methods.

I came to understand in its reality, that there were other realities. I saw that some things in the present era were not to understand. I didn’t always understand myself and was sometimes too judgemental and had a wall in positive thinking for all those years.

There was a lesson already here

A lot of my teachers have come from words as a whole and have a much deeper and less disconnected meaning than that they seem to convey.

Then one day I read something in a book that pointed and struck me in such a path, that it forever and ever passed through my mind.

The words expressed the consciousness of the whole universe and a simplified and well- scamsor version of the creations implied in the blueprint I found within myself.
