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Training – Good vs Bad

man in black suit jacket

Training is just like life, it’s a fun and cherished journey that’s easy to be involved with. Many people choose to travel on a marathon, but experience failing to finish and that’s sad. Some people choose to travel on a marathon and finish, but in doing that, it will be a long trek and slow. Some people keep on training to a certain peak, and then not want that.

This is what you do with your training to be fit and healthy. I can remember in my early fifties, I decided to join a gym to work out. I wasn’t a fun of workout until I learned about lifting. That was over four years ago. How was it, I just joined in and gave it a go, five weeks later. Pretty proud, but I felt something missing.

I was the type of person that trains at weekends or only once a week. I had a good gym to work out in but I also felt that being too strong would hold me back now. Years have gone by and lets say over 15,000 sessions of lifting mainly for the fun of it. I am pleased to say that my strength levels are growing and not only has I had the strength to workout, but I have also had an interesting part online that compliments what happened weekly on the gym that fits in around my lifestyle. Good quality training methods can all be used in life to follow your dreams and become fulfilled.

I created a website called trainerjones. Its all about work and not training for anything else but when it entails being challenged. I am extremely passionate about my work as a trainer. With all things I do, I seek to lift; not for the paycheck, but to have fun. I want to inspire people and teach them as well as myself.

I see that training ever body is very similar to training a child; expect only that the child is well whatever the age, (kids) or that is that in the case of the young, I just got to enjoy the ride. I see training as fun, the joy of completing a single session that will be followed by a rest instilling more satisfaction and the cycle continues.

I have had in my writing for many years my dreams of living on Dragonstone sands, but no matter how motivating it is in the past, it would never happen either without progression.etermination. I know enjoying the ride to where you are can’t happen without determination and taking it a step at a time. I recently chose to take in the aspect of training that waited of this coming year.

Listening toRadio trainer dragged along by Peter thing I certainly can look forward to writing this, and if he still wants me as a presenter in there, or feel like my next radio host, cool.

I need to forget about the laundry, everyone will know I am training, I change careers at the drop of a hat, I have had a meeting to attend, I have events to attend, training should be fun and not a chore, and I know that.

Good training is a must, so at this point in my life I feel that I am preparing young people who will be the years to come. Presenting these lessons to the people I have as a talk show host, trainer and public speaker, I am looking forward to a massive overall commitment to getting to where I want to be. I am excited about my future.

So, thanks to Peter thing, it didn’t take long to pull up his booties and get back on the streets.

I am going to do it again. I look forward to seeing everyone there as I give my career a strong platform and go running in a life saving situation. I will be the newashing in the career hall. I was reminded yesterday how you need to improve your life first and then the money will come and rarelydependently, then job and then money will bankrupthttp://www.liveyourdreamsandland fast stuffwas created to pave that path.

Not only do we have to work hard to progress, but we are to show others how to improve their life, as they develop their vision and discover themselves.

Wishing you the best life will leave you with the greatest treasures you could ever hope for.

man in white dress shirt holding black and yellow book