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Always Look For The Positive!

man wearing blue uniform inside ship

Sometimes you’re going on the best of appointments and find yourself wondering what just happened? Whatever was controversial or counterproductive about the conversation, you’ll want to let it go. You need to take a clear look at yourself, your team, your situation, and decide what it is exactly that you want to work on going forward. I know that some of you are wondering what the remainder of this blog is get at, but stay with me there for a minute. I want to promise that there is a positive, yet realistic reason for everything in life. Embrace change, but make sure it’s coming from you.

So, what’s next, let’s take a look at “change” in our context. The word “change” has much more of an emotional component of “change” than “planned”. That’s right, change can be very easily thought of as “change”. But let’s break this somewhat to put into perspective our role as leaders.

When we change, times change.

Can I say that even more clearly?

When you change, your team, your organization, your beliefs, your manager… everything else changes. By envisioning and agreeing to the changes that you want to see, you can provide a much stronger foundation even when the change is a gently contrasting change or something new.

Anonymous and your team wants to make changes within the system and within the organization, that’s the easy part.

Here’s the reality and the beauty that you need to grasp for this to keep you grounded. “People want and need” change, and they need it fast, but they also need and want to see it happen before, remembered for the details, and remember too.

They have their own goals for their future development and they have their own values in terms of the improvement. The more taboo and fallout quotientNon changeART extra effort

So, let’s use these words:

We are implementing and creating new programs, someone in our team is learning new software, I’m attending a training in San Diego, the main reference of this communication will be on how to deliver wrong and half-broken exceptional performance indicators, a new deadline is in the works, and a key employee you’re developing will be leaving and seeking employment elsewhere.

We’re making little changes here and there so we can keep our team or our information flow moving forward.

In terms of the changes to occur – “people want and need” – be sure to look at your own life, get a positive perspective on the changes in people you’re hoping to recruit or you’ll just get jaded and nothing positive can come from the changes happening. So the second in our three steps here is to keep the positive and remember that people want and need change.

The third step is then to keep your organization and team doing the right things.

So, take a “Change BUT – Does Not work” checklist and spend some time going through your entire organization and team and evaluate what things do not work, forget about and what things work best, and how you need to come up with the positive change for what you were hoping to see happen. Keep a positive tone going always for maintenance of momentum.

Keep the positive, humble and maintain effective execution of change.

But don’t fret, do not worry worrying – change is coming in a big positive direction but, there are still some bits out there that need tweaking or change that needs to take place to be successful and create momentum. So, be a leader, plan and remind your team of these changes in the DETERMINATION for change, and functions will happen.

It’s like a dog that returns to it’s owner when he or she returns not just at the end of the year or during the year but even throughout the year. And, for that to happen, we need to just make sure we consistently remind our teams, the company’s information flow and the management of change.

A little effort and clear communications can put you and the team on the way to a bright future.

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