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Things Are Looking Up For You

white concrete building near green trees during daytime

So, you are wondering when you can share this secret, personal connection with me. Well, my friends, I am open, ready and willing to talk with you one on one and let you know why I baptised my children. I promise that you will be amazed with the stories you will be telling yourself. I love all of you, whether you are a believer or not. I count you all as dear friends and will be forever loving each and every one of you.

My message tonight is one of change. Change of pace, change of energy and change of view on things that have happened to you. You may have spent your time antisocial, unhappy, inward looking, depressed, in a state of grief, wondering, if there is more to life, pray, search for a deeper connection to God, to yourself and to others. Always hope for and continue to believe that you too have a further possibility of being God’s beautiful child.

My friend, be inspired today, look around you at every person you meet, whether that person is physically present or not, and tell yourself that you too are now a child of God. As a child of God, there is a wonderful person beside you that loves you and accepts you as God loves you. You are now in love with life and are being transformed by the renewing of your mind to accept change.

I talk about change as a necessity because life is not always smooth sailing. We sometimes do lose people we love, we may well be a crying mess without a reason. Or we can still be travelling on the wings of opportunity, wondering when it is going to happen. Life is a journey full of ups and downs. We may fall down but this doesn’t make us losers. Just be there for as long as you can supporting your child or like my wife, tummy time, the new baby is born. It is then that you know that you have one before you. Look at the people who have passed away, how they haven’t retired, knowing that there is still a beauty in their lives, which they showed us. You see an exercise? It may not look like it but you will agree that many living with you will love and accept your child as God has created them to be. They were paradigms that helped to develop the person you are today. They are now in the creative stage where they are given a new mission in life to make the world a better place.

You’ll probably not be able to do much at the early stage. Just start with encouraging others. You may even need help from others. If you have someone to share this journey with your, more friends you will have. So, share your experiences with your friend or any other people who are looking for a way to help.

We need your support. I want to share things with you, I always treasure my memory of times when I could have gone off into my own world and lagged behind, but too often they have stayed with me and with you. I regret it all now, but I still think back to them. The sense of contentment is compelling. Something inside of me believed this on a course I knew I must go down.

Ponder at the very basic levels, are you in the same circumstance now? How and why are you starting your day as it is for you? Are you enjoying or living with each other? You need to accept whether it is the right time to be there with the new born child, whether you have asked for the baby or the other person you were talking about, now is the time for you to be there and that is okay with me. It is okay to call yourself a friend now because you are someone, which we would learn to like, see and see ourselves becoming. Sweet honour on you you have been chosen for such a time as this.

If what I have said does not become clear to you, hope to change that in the near future. For right now, it is for you to make the decision and the commitment to move forward with sound sound finances so that you can have the life you want in the best way for you. Visit my website and contact me if you want to discover these techniques for your new career and start afresh. I will be sharing what I use and how I made it in life.

people raising their hands