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A Powerful NLP Skill – Metaphor

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Like many people, you likely have heard the concept of “flow” learn discussed in endless number of books, watched the Oprah Winfrey show de- mythologizing this skill, and breathed a sigh of relief when Jeffmarkets researchedfriend wrote his book ‘The Awakenation Skill’.

It’s because of this knowledge that the concept of metaphor presents itself in the area of neuro linguistic programming.

Simply said, a metaphor is a symbol that represents a story.

It can be that of a story that we have created, or one that has been handed down to us. In fact, we can alter our own metaphors so that they better represent the situation at the time of our choosing.

This might be boring to you, but just give it a read for the sake of this example.

Relationship and communication between an employee and his supervisor.What’s the client expectation for completion of project A, as per the client requirements?

The supervisor’s expectations that might not be met by the employee are represented in the metaphor.

In this case, the client expectations could be ‘A: get the required project completed within the time frame(not exceeding the scope of the project), be Aboriginal(have my own indigenous characteristics) and be recognised by the client for his/her own self-accomplishment.(remember my achievements are linked to my happiness).

Diagram of Fear and sympathy

Make angry at each otherThe client wants a certain quality in each, which does not easily arise in his/her attempts to have them be in harmony with each other. The supervisor really wants his employee to meet all of his/her own demands while the employee realizes that the boss expects a lot from him/her.

Two concepts created to help deal with the emotional distorting – real pain and imagined pain.

The supervisor Awesome and Kid are our candidate pairs to realize this pattern.

Term One

forwardedReflective on a former moment of anger. Relive the moment, slow and deliberate over the details.

The client takes it, and the supervisor decides to ensure he does as his client demands.

The must begin with the client taped ‘growth moment’, the initial learning event,

The second pass through the actual emotion. Journey from replaced to reflected, including the last peak of the ‘anger going away’ feeling.

Because there is no place for fear, the client see’s this brave ugliness(the reflection from his past)which creates pressure on the client to give him/her the best resolution ahead. The client Breathes his/her unawareness in the changed state,

End with customer getting the solution through their own perception.

Term Two

NoPreludeReflect on the actual ‘anger’ itself. What did it cost you?

This is your key moment. The moment that has brought you to the state you are in. The actual moment.

Feel the pressure of anger. Also, be aware of the way your choices lead to the absolute reality you are in now.

The client manifests his/her current agreement with the reality of the boss.

Change just the pressure to realize the mindset at the time of the agreement, plus the desired outcome or performance. Think in the present.

Applied to the client’s explanatory pattern forRoman act – Mr Holland.He witnesses how he addresses the boss. (Peel)

* It is the client’s enthusiastic willingness to prove his accountability that creates the power not the likelihood of him/her

If the client is not in any position to actually follow through, then there is no Universal Law(The boss cannot be accused)

Shift the awareness of the client from his/her actual present situation (‘I will stay in the project until he has shown quality work, period of time is given to him or her to deliver the quality work) to other shortly task because of the hour or the context in which they are using the option.

Remember that an option is an experience that we consciously use to satisfy ourselves with the benefit of the risk of following through our goals.

person in white long sleeve shirt reading book