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Mental Abundance For When the Body Starts Taking Over

boy in blue and white plaid shirt reading book

In today’s world, you probably feel like you don’t have enough time to do all the things you need or want to do while at home. Even though you are busier than you ever have been, there are still twenty to thirty minutes each day for your “me time.” Research has shown that spending at least one minute indulging in “you time” can enhance your emotional and physical well-being and elevate your sense of well-being and along with this, your happiness levels.

Take this example. Perhaps you’re a woman who has been living with your mom long enough now that you no longer live with her, not because of choice, but because there’s just plain not enough time left. Realize that she has been such an extreme stressor for your relationships in the past, your mom has taken on the role of everything to you. Even though she would like to continue to take the lead in your life, you have to recognize the truth in the fact that she’s probably not equipped to handle your life anymore. So now you are the one facing the situation and like it or not, it is your responsibility to create a more fulfilling existence for yourself. It certainly would be nice if it were just as easy, but as reality sets in, you may begin to feel that it is my crazy mom (or parent, friend, stroll cheated husband, whatever stretchingApril Members contracts you’ve signed for).

The idea for a little me time is to help you transition to a new stage of life for your immediate family. In other words, you translate your discontent into a state of healthy parental dissatisfaction and let people in your life who have the capacity to match those emotional demands. Please note that I have not applied the 3-step transformation process. So, as you observe your emotions and underlying behavior; your behavior and in turn others behaviors can become uncomfortable. Now everybody will have physical proof to validate what you’re feeling, but those in your life can’t handle it. So, in an emotional frstraightening and transformation, you can see horror, feelings of irritation, inadequacy, anger, frustration, unrecognized anger and a variety of other emotions. In fact, you most likely feel inadequate and helpless. At this point, things can turn into quite uncomfortable and even dangerous.

Although this can be quite scary for you, it can be quite empowering to grow and move to a more functional stage of moving towards more personal productivity and self- sufficiency. You’re not going to achieve new capacities immediately. It may take months and sometimes years for you to adjust and back to a healthier place in your life. Even though emotions of sadness can be discommunicated with friends and family so that you can resolve your sadness and move past these stages, back to a state of emotional resilience, the process is not easy. For only seconds you can become inundated with emotions and you can even feel the sensation of emotional weeping start in your gut. Along with those feelings that you are observing, you will associate a feeling of guilt, embarrassment and generally wrongness with those uncomfortable feelings.

I invite you to suspend, the frustration till you themselves have enough time for some positive event in your life. You may have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable for quite some time. However, you will actually develop the perseverance to get back to just where you are going with your life. Part of the personal development that you may go through is this feeling of knowing where you are going and how that will affect you. Have the guts to take the plunge and respond now to a life changing situation and see the benefits of each experience.

You may find happiness and joy on your own. If you have to go through some challenges to achieve your goals, you will learn to look at life from a new platform. You may face feelings of rejection and have to experience rejection in many forms. You are the hero or the victim and the emotions that come from this feeling will show you the way to the path you wish to take. The path that will most likely create a life of joy and happiness, where you can enjoy everyday life and not be inundated with emotions of pain and unhappiness.

In fact, it will go much in your favor and help your emotional well-being and self-esteem. You will be in control of your emotions and your reality and can make that step forward. The key is learning the ability to let go of those emotions and how to resolve each situation as it comes. The less stress caused by allowing change, the better off you will be and it will be a soulful journey for you. Don’t allow frustration to over shadow your mental, physical and emotional health.

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