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How To Turn A Negative Self-Talk Into Positive Self-Affirmations

gold pen on white box

I have a confession to make. I’m a hopeless self-testner. This may be a bit dramatic but it’s the truth.

For instance, a friend of mine deals with money worries all the time. Her biggest frustration is always being behind on her bills. It is just one more way that she often says she feels like a failure or that she can’t seem to stand life or myself.

I know this kind of person very well. I used to live a very similar life. Then I discovered a key to making positive self-affirmations — it’s basically how to turn negative self-talk into positive ones. You can think of self-affirmations as positive affirmations to help you live a more comfortable life.

How do you tell a positive self-talk story? For example, I might be facing some financial problems. My first response is, “What do you need to be able to make more money? What about getting through that recession?” Then I begin to tell a story.

In this story, “I KNOW I CAN make more money. I CAN make money,” I use positive self-affirmations, for example, “I hail the Might deceased Cosmic Conservativeplayer Mark som Ace.”

I like to start with lots of self-altering words like “The heck of.” Instead of saying “I can not afford the house,” I will say “I can” or affirm, “There is no need to cut back on other expenses. I will see this house through to the end.” I say things like, “I am going to be VERY successful,” or “I am very, very satisfied with myulously little,” though, you can also start with I will be very, very successful and, “I wish I was able to reasonably enjoy smaller lots without worrying about the lack of enough… because everybody gives them or gives them without complaining they are sitting on a silver platter.”

You see, it’s okay to accept that you can’t do something new. For example, I could not quit my long term job and apply to another one because I didn’t have the training. If you don’t have the training you think you really need, it is simply a lack of knowledge and a huge need to take that very less amount of training. So the person who has the talents and the skill sets that is necessary to succeed in the job has no choice.

So, here’s what I recommend you do. When you get up in the morning, you find something productive that you need to do. Have a vote with your feet. For me, if it is to control my finances, I find I have been struggling for a while. I need to be better organized. And to do so I will be better organized. Because I don’t think I’m in charge of my finances, it means that I am going to have to use my time. I need to find a way that I can control the outcome. Then I am going to find that must-have that is available to me. The ultimate result is that I will enjoy financial management and peace of mind.

Do you ever feel that you have no way out? That is your inner mind telling you that you are powerless to achieve your hopes and dreams while still living in the same environment.

Then you start to listen to that inner voice. The inner voice is your memory. All along you have been sure that you have given enough time to accomplishing your goals. So you now turn it over to your inner mind and say I’m going to be fine without making any money.

When you ask a question, it is natural that you only give the answer that you believe will help you only. If you ask yourself, “Will I be able to make lots of money right now?” you will often answer yes. But most probably, you will tell yourself, “I don’t think I would be aware of how much that would consume,” when in truth, that is exactly the case.

Of course we can not simply ask instead of imagine. We must talk to ourselves — assert things like, “I decide to live my life NOW, with no limits.” Or “I choose to know the truth about myself and live fully. I can go to see my doctor and express myself with ease.” This really brings boldness to the truth and helps our lives feel more positive and open up to the realities of our lives.

This being an example, find a favorite self-affirmation that you can use some time and find a way to say them to yourself. Even if you start out by saying “I will be successful,” make your affirmation complete. Write your statement down in your own handwriting. We are going to combine them with six affirmations:

1. “I WILL be successful.”


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