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How to Clear the spawned Basilism From You

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Jesus calls four people (Luke 22:19-30), and they have no idea what they are doing. That is why Paul directs them to reveal the influences of the demonic kingdom. That’s why the Lord instructs you and me to be warnings to those demonic influences.

How many times have things popped up in the church or life that we condemn the devil for creating? It happens, and we condemn the devil for creating these things. God creates goodness and he creates evil, and God can take it all away as quickly as he can, if he wants.

(1 John 2:15-17)For whom God rooted, he also created; and who he rooted, he also created the things that are now.

God was rooted. He created Satan, and co-created Satan, and the demonic domain. Then one day God brought down Satan and all that satan and all his demons came to be, and Jesus said this in John 8:32.

The way to avoid this pitfall is to obey the word of God. He said we should accept the truth. In other words, he cares less if all the demons that come against you are there because of the mercy of Jesus…so what you don’t understand is why you don’tians trust in the mercy of Jesus?

These demonic influences are for you to fight off, and Christ gave us mercy to fight them.

If we’re not acting accordingly, then we’re suggesting that God let’s those demonic influences move around us. And for the sake of the things and people who love us, we know that it will not be very hard, and even better to fight them with prayer.

People who accept this truth are those who know Jesus more and those who know that he’s the father of all who bind you and loose you and those he created are the only ones who should be trusted to stay close to you.

Why then don’t people trust him more than in prayer for things and people that you care about.

Let’s look at a quick list of ways, that gospel truth is a ministry requirement.

(1 John 2:21-22)For these are a starting point of the gospel; bearing fruit for greater faith, and growing in love.

(1 John 2:25)Do not love God forbid. But one only who has seen him does trust DOOR, because God was united to us through the Holy Spirit and has given us part of the glory of the servant. Do you see where they are going? My heart says “NO. I hate Satan.”

(1 John 2:26)For God loved us, that we might have life, and have it to every good (good is not a religious meaning).Through this love,God demonstrates his own love for us through Jesus Christ our Lord.

We CAN’T dwell on the past and look back at horrible things in history without coming back with actions in this world to do something about it; it was created to live in the now and make a difference, with God’s help.

(1 John 2:15-17)Those that trust in his word and the fuel of truth, they are like the very little rudder in the boat. They are like his anchor.Howver far they go, they do not go homeward.

(1 John 2:26-27)And we have known and believed the truth, and have believed the message – and if we say that we have no faith, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.And he says, If you take my word for it, here is some of the things we speak and do.

The writers of the New Testament were with Jesus. Just look at his letters to them.

(1 John 2:15-17)While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; because the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal(2 John 1:18)For this you know, and have been made aware of, that no one knows you except the Spirit of Christ. No one has seen you except the one who knows you.(3 John 1:8)

These people who served the Lord in the first century were a minority out of almost a billion people. That was before the time of the Roman Empire.

(1 John 2:20)We know a little bit, hearing of a mystery, but much is still lacking. But you are still a peculiar and holy people, and a special treasure to the One who knows you.

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