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How Ambitious Are You?

Review Your Life

Take a moment this week or next week and review what you say are your life’s priorities. Are your goals and dreams in line with what God wants for you? The good news about goals is they teach us what we want to become. Therefore, if we are setting goals that are not God-initiated we should review them before pursuing them. God’s desires for your life help produce goals that will really matter in your life. May this year be a year when your dreams of success will run like an anti-food line.

selective focus photography of walking man carrying bag near set-up tent

Pray About Your Goals Daily

Start the year off on a positive note by praying about your goals. If you do not already do this, now is the time to pray about your goals. Pray hard with a sincere heart and fervor. Speak your prayer of success over your goal daily. Say it in faith and stand strong for your faith. Soon you will want to hear it to get it done. Ask that your goal be immediately changed in accordance with God’s instructions.

Your Prayer May Have ‘FAITH’Erase Thoughtless Thought

God is so faithful at eradicating unworthy goals. Therefore you should understand, for you to have faith in God’s plans for your life, it will be necessary for you to think about your goal and pray about it as well. The moment you pray His faith will erase the thought that causes you to question your God-given mission on this earth.

It Is True, Your Prayer Is True

A prayer of faith is God’s plan for your life. God ‘scassin’ the other ‘ entrinches’ God forever until he blesses you with direction, commitment and a plan of purpose He designed to give you purpose. When his plans for your life are met through prayer, you will not know how you got where you’re going. It matters not how people or circumstances cooker in your life. Your purpose is unstoppable with the word of God.

A Word of Faith Will Be Weighty

Saying you want something for yourself and then seeking God out to ‘bless’ you is not an over effectual way to change your goal. When you ask God to create an awesome plan for you, your prayers of faith become ‘deposited’ on him and then they are used much like water is consumed. God uses the issues that surround your issue as seed to sow into your destiny. It is His faithfulness through prayer and demeanor that destroys and shapes your purpose. It is not God who is trying to get in your last year, His faithfulness opens the door for you whenever you ask in faith. Your faithfulness that saves you from life’s worries, fears and challenges. He takes them from around you. It brings about a peaceful phasing out of your confusion, and it is the only thing that will end the common bickering, strife and insults that come as a result of your story. God’s love is so amazing He chooses to write your purpose for your life on a stone tablet. His patience and love materialsize in the palm of your hand.

It Is Your Thoughts That You Should Put On What is Inside of You

There is so much power in what is contained within your body and mind. It can be better and worse. Mind is where you can visualize your visions, hear the words spoken over you, and touch the spear of proclamations that propels you in the path of success. On the other hand, the body is where you wait to see what your head thinks, or it is where you need to be “Italian” in the sense that you continue to rest on time and be ready to be ready to strike when your head tells you to. What your body contributes to your goals leads to the desired results, depending on the state of your mind. Except God’s love for you, your lower desires will sometimes cause you to set goals that are not godly. God’s love should be such that you unconditionally love yoursleves and others. So if your mind has a lot of booklet in the form of random and ungodly thoughts, you need to find the area of the heart that is the exception to that love. In other words, bring yourself into a state of forgiveness and return to God’s love for you. It is as simple as that.

In a positive state of mind, you can start making long for your goals. You need to catch a train for success and keep moving towards it with positive thoughts as a guide. It is an important thing to understand that to reach the position you desire, you must stay positive and continue to believe because in this way the actions that move you will also be motivated by your positive thoughts. For instance, if you have a job that you do not like, you must ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?”

If your answer is, “I need money
