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The Power Of Your Intuition

woman holding white mug while standing

Intuition, energy from within, flowing within. It is certainly there yet so often missed, unseen, under valued.

Intuition is the connection to the higher self, higher potentials and potential life stories. Intuition is energy that skip’s straight through your universal field of prosperity, into your field of opportunity. Intuition cannot be ignored. Intuition and interest are key ingredients for a fulfilling and rich life, as chance ideas are a product of a quiet brain. The quiet mind stands prepared to recognize opportunity and make a cleint hoe to it when it knocks.

Intuition and interest are sureFire keys to expanding your wealth on purpose. Intuition and inspiration and inspiration that has a sense of connectedness to your higher self, with your higher power working for you. Your higher power can only work for you if you are not ignoring your higher power! It’s a force that cannot be stopped from working, except by ego action or misuse of power. To ignore your higher power is to miss the most important keys to expansion of wealth and self-determination in personal development.

Intuition and energy is an expectation of good things arising from quiet planning in your head. When your relaxed and confident expectation and intuitive feel good feelings, your intuition will be activated. You know to take one step or another toward the fulfillment of your desires and dreams by the quality and measure of intuition. Feeling good about your work is especially important when you are on the high creative end of the intuitive range of emotions or are in your creative peak. When you do this, you will feel so positive about what you are doing, that everything else just flows naturally. You will be so excited and so focused on your work that everything else will seem to fall into place around you.

When you are in place, these are the times when all your dreams start to come into play, and your experiences in success will just begin to appear. When this happens and your business is on track, you will be totally amazed at the gift of synchronicities work their magic. If you are exhausted, working hard, feeling tired and discouraged, if everything is a struggle and stressful, this is the time to pause and see if you can accept and love the truth of your situation.

If your ideas, plans and actions are not so much out of habit and tradition as they are out of service for your desires, then you are in the midst of a state of unconscious suffering and full of activity without joy and ease.When you are in this state you will probably feel very worn and defeated. This is the time when your higher self knows that all is not so well and you are asking for help. I advise you not to rush into action and make things happen at the last moment. The solution to your negative stress and feeling of overwhelm is to gather your inner resources and power, count your blessings, see your hidden opportunity, seek spiritual guidance and balance your energies with prayer, meditation, caringgiving and acceptance.

Trying to change the world by majority votes, projecting all your energy into getting elected to a specific political party, misses the more meaningful creative opportunities you are supposed to be responding to. This is not to say that you can’t help to change the world in small ways instead of large ones. I say that we all can help to change the world through our actions in our local communities as well as our unwillingness to suffer and sacrifice further for the selfish ends of our own desires.

Every situation and every person is a blessing. Be grateful for the fact that you are exactly where you are meant to be in your current moment. And once you have realized this, appreciate all your strong blessings and know that your deepest longings are being fulfilled at many different levels. Cultivating an attitude of thankfulness and giving thanks means accepting the challenges and the challenges as gifts that will enrich your life. When you do this your intuition will be activated and the energy will flow.

person on hammock