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The Power Of Action And Its Results

Most people think in circles, they move forward with one or more of their plan, goal or problems at a time and never seem to make much progress. They are also usually the first person to tell you what they are not doing yet.

People who intentionally work towards goals and plans in order to move closer to their goals, tend to get feedback from others in what they are doing well and not so well. One of the best ways to get this feedback is to march forward to follow their progress and completion.


Working in Tasks.

A common problem for many is the belief of plowing through tasks quicker than they can complete them. If this is most of your way of thinking, you are missing the power of completion. In order to get the outcome of an activity, or essentially reach this End, you must complete the overall project in a timely manner. It is where your focus sets in, the tasks you can complete, as well as the ones that you cannot complete. When you focus on closing the gap between today and your vision of the future, you will find you already have something in the way of procrastination.

Never try to read your e-mails before you get up in the morning or get the first cup of coffee, the time spent in email can act like an anchor that prevents you from ‘going there’.

Make an appointment with yourself for the first thing in the morning, and the last thing at night. This gives you an outline for your day and a reference point as to how much time you have and what needs to be done. You do not have to check your email first thing in the morning, it can wait, and you will still be holding a full hour of productive quality work. Make it a routine, and it is very likely that you will start to work on yourself on this task, during those two times when you would normally check email.

Choose specific times to check email by yourself and for yourself. It might be half hour before breakfast, or half an hour before lunch. It will be better to not let any distractions interrupt you, as you will be able to “plan” your day more effectively and assign time to achieve your important items, which you need to get done before you go on to accomplish a fuller list of requirements.

Do not devote more than two hours to email each day. Address your mail and phone messages during the first part of the day and then leave email until you are finished with your priority activities for the day.

Vous and Ginqu mend dose necessarily to stay motivated to complete everything you do, especially that which has to be started. Almost everything is something we will endure until we are done. Yet, our daily activity may run our daily life. When you enjoy your bondage, and find that it is Baby Bo anywhere walk by and you say to yourself FindUsandsNow!, you will see that you have a daily set of requirements to reach for in order to move toward your vision. If you expect a series of little victories, you will not have to spend so much time on a consistent basis. This goes for anything and everything you do.

Make a list of your daily tasks, away from their corresponding deadlines. Then, list in Increasing Intensity, the ones that they would most like to accomplish today, tomorrow, next week, and next month, and continue listing until you stop seeing answers here. I am betting that you will see there sitchievement and that you will prefer them over the long haul.

The easy part of your daily tasks.

These are the tasks that are easy, quick and will never need checking. The fun part of this is, and… I think we all are… we will do these every day if they are not the most important things in our life.

Make your list of the little things that you need to get done today, make it as long as you like, but make it so long you can’t wait till you finish the large task (or see yourself doing it). When you have a whole list of items for each day, you will get the picture of uncountable tasks you always prospered upon. You will see that the things you don’t like doing, suffer because you are not as committed as you would be to the ones that you enjoy. The fun part of this is that the things you hate to do usually take up a certain amount of time in which you could spend more time in the same way of doing…or even doing something else.

Finally, focus on the most important products and/or tasks you have to get done today. Schedule something, a “must get done today” out of the gate and that will spell out to you that you are willing to do it.

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