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The Law of Attraction and Your Life

man standing near white mosque

Your thoughts can make or break your life depending on what you think. Your thoughts lead to your feelings or emotions which lead to your actions. The Law of Attraction is the concept of attracting your dreams and goals by directing positive thoughts to a goal that you want to achieve. If you can just remove your negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself and about your ability to truly have what you desire then you will attract your dreams and goals to you.

The Law of Attraction brings into our lives whatever we place our focus on, whether we want to or not. The Universe is really not biased one way or the other. We are either moving in the direction the Universe is going and giving attention to all the things we want or we are not moving and giving attention to those things we want. For example, if your goal is to have a new and better job, do you support that goal with your thoughts? Or do you focus on refusal and lack? If your goal is to have new and better health, do you focus on it negatively or do you focus on the idea of not being able to have that goal and reinforcing with your thoughts what you do not or will not have?

So often in my business coaching work I hear women talk about what they don’t have and don’t seem to want in their lives. This is a negative focus as only when we look to what we want or what we don’t want do we get that contrast. In the example given above, if as the woman on the receiving end of the negative feedback I want and desire something different and better yet I consciously focus on it and tell myself that is what I want and desire my focus simply changes to what I don’t want. It doesn’t mean the Universe says send me your negative thoughts because they send you exactly what it is you are focusing on, it just means in this case you need to have that clarity and stay focused on what you do want rather than what you don’t want. The Universe does not say either – rather you choose with your words and focus that what you want really is what you want.

Another quick example of this is when you are driving on the highway. You know that when you are going in the slow lane you want to move over because your speed will be reduced if you do. Yet if you keep focus on all the other cars in the slow lane it is very likely you will be unable to see or hear your upcoming destination. Lastly, do you support the goal of having a self conformity in school by focusing on how dumb and stupid the kids are in the class. You are easily being one of them and the Universe is still sending you your conflicting thoughts and focusing on the characteristics you lack of positive emotion. All because you keep focusing on it being in the slow lane.

Your thoughts really do control the outcome and your focus. Remember in order to accomplish your goal to manifest whatever it is you want you want. You must focus on it and remember every good thing is already yours. How cool is that?

If you are going to talk yourself to a place of having your dreams and experiencing and creating you dreams and desires. Then go for it with a happy heart, focus on the outcomes, and settle for nothing short of what you want. Remember sometimes the Universe can give you what you want and don’t want in ways that would seem totally contrary to achieving your goal.

If you are unhappy, stressed, quit…just stop and think about what you are really thinking about and focus on the positive things! The Universe is amazing! We are just so wrapped up in our own ego demands and controls that we forget the all important things in life that are not our own. So to all of you information gurus out there plopping your proverbial dice in celebration of the New Age of Aquarius andyour great bigmy new age book. I’m gonna stick with comprehension. thriving in thrives and topic in my cup. Enjoy – and enjoy with that I’m spending time with YOU writing this….

woman wearing brown leather jacket