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How to Achieve Success in Life – The Secrets of Successful Women

two men talking

When you think of successful women, such as Oprah, Martha Stewart, Faith Hill, etc, what accomplishments or successes do you visualize in their lives?

Everyone wants to be successful in life. Money and fortune is not even an issue. For most of these women, it is money that they possess that they feel they deserve because of the many different positive accomplishments they have accomplished in their lives.

For others, success is not cash in the bank but a true sense and feeling of well-being. These women are my clients. Many of these clients are spiritual leaders or people of faith. Others are people who have self-confidence and self-esteem. Others are women who have managed to raise their children out of dysfunction.

The way a woman should be is how she should be. These successful women were created for a reason. These women are gifted, talented and gifted people.

They have all already been placed on earth to accomplish something great. In the end, these women Push beyond their comfort zone and routinely push themselves to the very limit to achieve beyond their understanding.

These women are women who care for themselves, their families and the people around them in a way that will leave the energy flowing and the business flourishing.

I want you to decide today, to CHOOSE and HOLD a dream in your mind of something that you want to accomplish, learn and master.

You are uniquely gifted. And The God of this universe is constantly creating new things! The road to your success and the path to fulfillment, will not be a straight line. You will see some slowness along the way towards your success, but that is only because your vision is just beginning.

When you hold a vision for your life, it is important to be very clear what that vision is. A major reason many women never reach their goals is because they do not know what they want.

Take a moment each day to read that vision or dream down to your very soul.

Get in touch with the passion and purpose of achieving that vision.

When you have clarity about what the vision is you are above the battle of getting it done. The vision, which most likely is the same for everyone, will be what fuels you to move toward and out of that goal. When you get to that goal, you will see the reward of everything that you have done. The reward is personal fulfillment, financial success and self-worth, happiness and psychological nurturing.

As you read your own mission statement, keep the following three points in mind:

1. Your vision MUST be specific.2. Acting on your vision must be specific too.3. Your path to your vision must be defined and carefully planned.

Our stories aren’t enough to inspire us to accomplish our dreams. Our history, our family history, our emotional ties to our beloved, our struggles and our fortunes, must all be included! Those stories inspire so much more than the accomplishments and the mountains of paperwork that once sat before us.

Our longings don’t happen all by themselves. Those are inspired by others, for themselves and for us. Find the inspiration and motivation to accomplish your success.

Society still sees those women as second class citizens when true talents, skills and accomplishments would justify that status. Let your passion for success out like you would the sun and moon! It has always belonged to you and it will always belong to you.

What you see is what you are good at. What you do for your living is what you are gifted to do. Your success cannot rise above what you are.

Your successes will not become tangible until you acknowledge them! When you delight fully in what you are gifted to do, you will blossom beautifully in your life. Your story is yours and yours alone.

It is an honor to become the woman you were meant to be. Without a doubt the most rewarding pursuit in the world! We are told that forgiveness and charity are the greatest gifts we can bestow on others and the greatest gift we can receive for forgiving ourselves. We are told that forgiving allows us to gather the richness of joy and energy from the giving of others.

I think it is definitely worthy to look at each part of our lives – as punishments for what we have done or what we haven’t done – or as gifts that have been gifted to us so that we can truly receive all the gifts in this lifetime.

Every day is a gift from the universe, because it is meant to be spent making the very most of ourselves; to be used somewhere for the very highest and best reason.

How much time do we spend with our husband or to our children? The greater the relationship, the greater the time taken for the best giver. How much time do we spend with the parent along with our children?

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