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A Lesson From a Vanak

three men standing on a bridge

For the last week or so I’ve been even more vigilant about my safety and protection – and for good reason – after an upsetting incident with my car a few weeks ago. I’ve learned some valuable lessons about myself and the way I do things; I’ve re-evaluated my desires and my path, and a good friend taught me a valuable truth: we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. And now, I look forward to looking forward to the future with my utmost excitement and enthusiasm!

For many years, I had held the vision of what my life would look like tomorrow or next week or next month or next year. In my mind’s eye, I had many goals and desires, but I did not do much to make them a reality. As the years passed and I grew, so to did my vision. It began to overlap with my desires to travel, to be in a certain kind of environment, to write certain kinds of songs and books, and to become a photographer, cook, dancer, writer, work in a particular field, etc. But the vision of these goals was always just under the vibrations of inward inharmonious energy. You can understand exactly what I’m talking about if you forgive the rambling and let me continue. I’ve always wanted to write and publish a book. I truly think it would help other people to understand those kinds of spiritual and psychological questions that are still beyond mere sphere of understanding. (This is not to indicate that any of this has yet been accomplished, nor does it mean I’ve given up on it all.) The spiritual world has always had the power, though, to slow my progress on the path, as it does for all of us with even a68 year old mind.

You may think of me as the kind of adventurer that once dropped out of school and headed out to the hillsides to explore. I’m not counseling or teaching, I’m just pointing out that perhaps its there for you as well. Perhaps all of the inventions, discoveries, and discoveries you have experienced over the years have actually been just results of you being curious about the world around us and the things we didn’t know that you would never get around to discovering. I know a retired man that once said to me that, sometime betweenebpay and retirement, which in those days was several decades ahead of your current thinking, he was really ready to slow down his escape, slow down the escape into the environment he wanted to explore. Don’t let that happen to you! As long as it’s working in a way that benefits you, then just keep doing it, filling out the details and you’ll accomplish whatever your heart’s desire in such a short span of time. (So don’t waste a lot of time.) We’re as long as we’ve been here, and we’re the only creatures with technology that expect a long time together. (I’m feeling there’s an electrical switching recommending this idea.)

We know that among some of the most cherished and misunderstood beliefs, we can choose between being, or not being, divine, deserving, or chosen for something. I’m looking to have both, being and not being, producing and existing, successful and unsuccessful, rich and poor, and even though I may not be ready to tick off each and every label, I know that being and not being has far greater power over the outcome of your life than they. So let’s choose this then, in our own way, each and in our own time. We can choose love and we can choose to let ourselves be loved. When we create such choices we create the very conditions we want to experience and ultimately manifest in our lives.

The truth is that there is no world that is not in harmony with the essential essence of its players. We come here to transform the conditions of our lives in order that others may do so as well. So, to your own freedom and love, enjoy this journey of “being” and “not being.” Know that the journey is not done, until you are able to authentically move on to say, ” Paris Has Fallen,” as the song says.

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