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Why a Mentor Program Is Essential to Your Self Development and Growth

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There are so many different ways to self improve, according to what Albert Einstein said why is there a challenge on learning anything at all? What is the point of reading a good book, attending a seminar or listening to an audio program if you cannot put any of the information into action?

As the great desires that we all have are to be successful, we constantly do this internally, but not so much in our private lives but in the public. You could say that we all want to be

1) linear CBE, or 2) non-linear CBE. So, that is how I define a mentor. Someone who can show you the way that you can learn or absorb information in such a way that you don’t veer off your intended steps of what your goals are and how exactly you are going to achieve them. We want our mentor to be someone who can show us how we can be more effective and efficient at taking on tasks and topics, so we will understand how to answer certain questions, or how to formulate a game plan of other better methods that we will be able to implement, so we can get results faster, and more easily and enjoy the process of getting to where we want to be.

I am sure that you are probably aware that there are lots of people out there who can teach you the skills and methodologies that you need in taking others on in a business or even on a personal path to achieve success. You know for a fact, that there are many people that are willing to help you become more successful even it is just for investment of money? So, you must choose a mentor to give you the expertise and skills that you need to acquire to acquire all the desired skills or knowledge that can contribute to your growth.

You should know, that not all people who are promoting themselves on different channels, and doing so for the money, are the people to talk to or consider as mentors. You will also know a few that you will not want to associate with, and for a good reason. Because they could give you the wrong kind of feedback and advise, or they may give you feedback that may steer you in the wrong direction.

You must have an agreement with yourself, for your journey of personal and professional growth, and make sure you get feedback from those whom you want to learn more from. Find out what your mentors or mentors and their mentors achieved in life, or in their businesses, or in other Video Game Companies, and look for a mentor that comes from the same sphere!

Most of us, at some point in time, will always think of different mentors that we looked up to like; the teachers that we needed back in school to pass our final examinations, the people who inspired us and supported us in our journey through our teens and onwards. You will know for a fact, that if you have developed a passion for something, you will have someone within the community or just outside of it, who is successful at the same or similar interest. Because it saves us the time and money of spending time and energy and money to seek out a mentor on that same topic.

I like to think of a mentor as something that is like an insurance agent that watches your life, so that it can inform you of the risks you are toast to take, and creative with a support system that will guide you through and what steps to take in order to not become a fruit cake, or lose control of your life and self.

So it is not enough to select a mentor, you have to be committed to keeping the relationship going, having a good understanding of that prospective mentor, and having an accountability system in place. Also it benefits to have praise for the actions of your mentor, but remember in most situations if they have not achieved what you wanted to achieve in your life or business, do not get too harsh with them.

I have heard of mentors being rewarded or given a lift on the way to the top; it might help your self esteem simply to be aware of who is walking beside you, helping you to make sure you areGetting There!

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