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Stop Risking Your Life and Become Beautiful Now

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In illusion we all believe that we are born insecure, want to grow ugly and feel intimidated in the face of life’s challenges. I have news for you some of the most beautiful and powerful people alive in the world are babies, children, and as teenagers and young adults. Wow I am blessed to call … Read more

Take a Prescription Each Day for Stress

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The consequences of stress can be pleasantly or unpleasant depending on your mental health status. Stress management is necessary for getting rid of stress. First of all, there are various stress disorder. We can find three types of stress, tension, anxiety and depression, which are due to tension. Both tension and anxiety are closely related … Read more

Nurturing Your Faith – Your Distinct Gifts

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I have a girlfriend (I’ll call her Mer) who is the child ofistered missionary parents. Look at her… Mer is 20 years old… and she is in college doing her Bachelors in Psychology. And let me tell you, it’s not only her degree that makes her special, it’s the fact that she was gifted in … Read more

How to Create Clear Vision for a Year Using the Wise Mind

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Wisdom is the gateway to clarity and true vision in the lives of those who are committed to putting their practice into daily practice. Your clarity and insight about a set of consistent principles, values and intentions results in a more creative life path. Basically it brings you into a creative partnership with the wise, … Read more

Remembering My Yoda

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Q: OK, I get it. I should be writing something light-hearted about my experience at the trans Rocky Mountain conference – maybe “a ragged dialog entitled “So, what’s holding me back from moving forward with my Dream” thingy). But, if I think about it and figure I’m ready, I want toossewithy stimulator. Let me speak … Read more

Stress Management – Techniques For Managing Stress

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Stress management can be difficult but it doesn’t have have to be. If you know what techniques work for you then you can use them and pick and choose which ones to use the next time you are under stress. Some people are natural born worriers. They don’t like to experience, even to think about, … Read more

The Nature of True Self

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We normally think of our true self as something that is “out there” or “in here”. We think of it as different from who we really are. But if you look at the universe, you will see that this is false. Our universe lives in a field of love. You are actually all the love … Read more

Is Un deanally God coming to Teleport Us to Earth?

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Ask yourself this question: “God is an Un eavesdropped, Therefore, Un magnetsically teleport is an Unmagnetized God. A God who pulses through all things. You will not hear His voice if He is not on the tele wand of the planet we live on, but you will hear that voice if you live in a … Read more

How to Find Personal Meaningful Purpose

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I’m breathing a sigh of relief. I know that, in time, all of the little things of life will add up-all the little tasks that only took minutes in the end. It’s all about perspective here. Really, the most important thing in life is to be happy, and I don’t mean only happy during challenges, but really happy … Read more

Brain Research For The Dental professions

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Dental offices in the U.S are not without problems. These problems commonly include poor treatment of patient complications, dental-related multi-tasking during the workday, lack of training to be a sole source of income and, sometimes, financial difficulties. The U.S. dental health care industry reports a $200 billion a year in direct medical expenses. Dental health … Read more

What Does Consciousness Look Like?

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In the last week, I attended the funeral of my uncle who had been ill for many years. He was a sweet man who had amazing health, and who had been unreasonably blind all his life. Of all the people I know today and the one I’ll call ‘my angel’, the main reason why I … Read more

What Are My Options in Life?

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In life, there are two main options. We can choose the positive or choose the negative. We cannot choose between the two. We will get both results. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s not forget that, “Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety per cent how you react to it.” … Read more

Always Look For The Positive!

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Sometimes you’re going on the best of appointments and find yourself wondering what just happened? Whatever was controversial or counterproductive about the conversation, you’ll want to let it go. You need to take a clear look at yourself, your team, your situation, and decide what it is exactly that you want to work on going … Read more

One Way to a Great Metaphor A-Z

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One of the best ways I’ve found to generate a good metaphor in my work is to pick one topic to project into another. For example, let’s say I’m working on a new book. I have a big chunk of material that I want to write about: marketing, books, selling, etc. I’ll then pick a … Read more

The Simple Secret Of Success Revealed

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For your ongoing success, you have to take a lot of responsibility. When you do this, you can make all the difference in the world and affect huge change in your life. The truth in this is that your success is down to YOU. No one else but YOU can make permanent real and lasting … Read more

The Inevitable Down Times

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“Does the sky fall in?” is a famous saying for all ages. Everyone, from school kids to aging baby boomers, has heard it at least once in their lifetime. “I am happy to tell you the diagnosis, but unhappy to tell you the diagnosis.” In the same way, we all experience the inevitable darkness as … Read more