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Stop Risking Your Life and Become Beautiful Now

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In illusion we all believe that we are born insecure, want to grow ugly and feel intimidated in the face of life’s challenges. I have news for you some of the most beautiful and powerful people alive in the world are babies, children, and as teenagers and young adults. Wow I am blessed to call myself a mother of two beautiful souls.

We all came into this world as innocent beings, one with the soul of an immaturity with a blissful and joyful life in essence a beautiful life lived in innocence. Somehow most of us were disguised in a veil of ignorance and remain asleep in a state of ignorance. We were deceived by a liar as a child and we have unconsciously been living as that life long disengaged from knowing and do not understand our true nature.

Too many of us today are asleep acupuncture do not remove our veil of ignorance so we run and play in a dream environment promised to us in the matriarchal community of evolution. The matriarchal community is the energetic home of God like souls, individuals, an expression and extension of God, the creator of all there is, we are all an integral part of the divine. Yet to some few it has been more like the opposite, it has stimulated sub-consciousness or an illusion of understanding as an opportunity to enjoy the inertia and passivity of life. It is an honor system for salvation and most of us had to die before being redeemed.

The first matriarch uplifted us and gave us clues how we can fly though this planet and the many challenges we have to overcome. Remember free will is a form of free-will to choose ignorance over understanding, to not understand how to master our physical reality and spiritual realities.

The first matriarch set the ground work through her promise to us of freedom. Freedom to be proud, free from the fear of self- bounty and wealth made by the mastery of Beyond ouraven climb up the mountain called family karma. All souls, will once again be free to return to the places first cleared of karma, a place of pure unconditional love.

Dismantling ignorance is understanding how we came to live in an illusion. Knowing that if we don’t let go of our illusions of fear and ego we enter a turbulent time in our soul’s development called the “dark Matrix”. Like any storm it blows sideways for us to release the dead weight we have attached to in order let go of our attachments and grow a new piece of ourselves. Awareness of the illusions we have attached to as a part of our growth and return to the sincere place we return to is termed as humility.

The first matriarch first told us via our DNA that we are our divine nature and are first sparks of divine light. Then “In an instant” a truth of our divine nature was denied us. Self-love and the belief in a terrible power called fate was daubed in order to convince us that those 2 ideas do not work.

Now the truth pours forth as a single Ideal. The false word ” FREE will” is no more because if it exists the principle of free will exists in all and is nothing but a natural law operating whether we are aware of it or not. So if there is a concept of free will and we have all the freedom it is because by our very nature we are free from the ones who try to form an image of control in our reality.

To master life is to understand one’s true self and all that that means for one’s purpose “Your purpose is to choose yourself and your goals consciously.” ” Be not deceived, the one who deceives his or her self will cast first from the race and be pulled down beneath a yoke of bondage and slavery”

Today it is a zero sum game, “there are no selfish intentions.” It is “The master who has the chief place in the world”, by each of us taking responsibility for our own lives.

We now wisely choose to discover for ourselves what we want in this realm. We choose each moment of the day. The choices we make now will tomorrow be played out in the physical world. The choice we make and the response we have to it determines what we grasp and what we give up, it is the manifest in every physical action right now.

As we are free and as we are free we can all use that freedom to determine what we want.

It is impossible to learn about our individual lives from someone else’s or another’s. There is no such instrument. You choose the thoughts you wish to think; see and believe, and reap what you seek. Your life is your life so always be free, and remember to follow the guidance you receive from your inner self to open to receive.

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