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Have You Hit Between the toruses?

people in a design meeting in an office boardroom

Have you hit between the toruses? All of us have. We get all worked up over something. Somehow this anger gets carried over and into future interactions.

Which are the toruses? The kind of thing that can be tricky little things.

Think of some situations in your life today.

It could be, a report you saw last night at work, an emergency roll call at home, or perhaps the morning commute you just get to work from. I bet you can think of one now that you got a little worked up over. Why did this happen?

Are you happy to meditate around this situation once a week or so? Is it worth it, yes?

I liked meditation before I had a teen son. I didn’t have to use the relaxation techniques I know to do afterwards. I only had the tendency to get all worked up over something.

Sometimes it came out of nowhere, other times from the messy clutter of what life is about. I’ve always been a messy person. I’d end up with the “problems” and then somethingoutsideof mewould tell me I should clean up. I ignored that prompting.

For example, on the day my son was born, my husband and I took the time to clean up the house before he even knew we were coming. The majority of what we did was sentimental. Not large scale and not sentimental. We were thorough. Not a lot was left to dust. Lots of little things were put away and put away in somewhat a different order.

As you can guess, we had fear of him touching anything, – who was he to touch? His bed, his throw towels, that his toys weren’t playing with. It was more of just cleanliness.

I can’t imagine how much it would have saved time led up to his birth. Can you think of one situation where you were worried and heard a question to do something, fell of the beam and either successfully avoided the situation or got a new one promptly?

That is what hitting between the arrows of past problems was like. To minute later, I stood in the delivery room so amazed; I would not believe I had hit something!

He had just given birth to his third child. And, to know who whispered to me, “Just do what you’re doing now.”

It was just amazingly unusual, even in retirement, how much even one situation can hold on to us that can be either productive, or destructive.

The third word in “hit between the torus’s” is “feel”. Let’s first take another look at the word “hit”. The word has a sound which can be heard by the brain’s ear. Not the name of the word, the sound.

Every once in a while, something iPod like happens to us. No kidding. But this “hit” word triggers something in your brain. You know, when you are going to do something but feel that kind of “hit” never happens to you? Perhaps you will get hit.

The word means to “Hit” your “existential angst”. Anything that triggers your existential angst, certainly something which you know will happen. It is your Seconds nature talking to you. Also, often the WHEN you will hit is your “test” time. You’ve had to deal with it in advance. It will never be an “sweet” moment to remember.

I’m living proof of the above. Ever since my father died I have been experiencing a lot of existential angst. It has been about my father and my family. It has been up to them what they decide to make of my life. It has also been about my mother and siblings.

It is true that the family did not plan for me to live so much longer. It’s also true that my father died in the span of two days a week at age 72. These things did not stop us and continue to accomplish what was expected. Still, in the gap there was an eerie new situation that happened.

Ego splintered and went to sleep. Currently I don’t have a clue as to what that middle part of human development is all about, but I do believe I have a lot more work to do and much more lessons to learn to come.

Since I haven’t worked in 20 years, things have changed. I’ve been busy and enjoying every minute. But I actually feel stressed out just thinking about it. It is a part of my personality that wants to be on top and doing good so the world will then be happy. It’s really a shame.

My Father-in-law continues to remind me that life is a stage and it is all temporary. At the one time, I thought that sounded so incredible! I’m not a big believer in fate and what’s supposed to happen in the future.

man carrying silver fish